News & Events


Campus school of technology holds innovation and entrepreneurship seminar
On January 7, the school of engineering, karamay campus of China university of petroleum (Beijing) held a seminar for 2017 undergraduate students majoring in chemical engineering. Some full-time teachers of the chemical engineering department and all 2017 chemical engineering undergraduates participated in the lecture, which was presided over by associate professor zhang haibing, a teacher of the chemical engineering department.Zhang haibing introduced the current situation of innovation and entrepreneurship in colleges and universities as well as the eight innovation and entrepreneurship topics in this seminar. The instructors of each innovative subject introduced the research background, required professional knowledge and students' needs in detail, and answered students' questions on the spot.The seminar lasted for 3 hours, the atmosphere was warm, students actively registered. All the participants said that they had deeply realized their shortcomings in professional knowledge and scientific research ability through participating in this seminar, and they hoped to continuously enrich their professional knowledge and enhance their professional skills through participating in various innovation and entrepreneurship competitions.This seminar on innovation and entrepreneurship project is a key task for the cultivation of comprehensive quality of students majoring in chemical engineering and technology. It aims to point out the direction and create a good atmosphere for undergraduates majoring in chemical engineering to participate in innovation and entrepreneurship activities in the future.
Campus issued university city campus area, building naming scheme
To fully implement the national ideological and political work conference spirit and the central committee of the communist party of China, issued by the state council on strengthening and improving ideological and political work in colleges and universities under the new situation of opinion "spirit, as an important part of college campus culture construction, the CPC party-mass work has led to assist campus departments since July 2018, the university campus area, building named after work and in January 2019, determine the final naming scheme.In line with inheritance, seriousness, functional and cultural naming principles, after extensive collection, preliminary examination and revision level 3 review, comment and discussion, customer satisfaction, three school (courtyard) scheme, elect campus working links such as review stage, finally passed "the chongwen floor", "red square", "red flag" on the playground 50 areas, such as building name.It is reported that this work as one of the key work of the school district this year, the naming process lasted for 6 months, has received 37 sets of plans in line with the requirements, naming more than 360, through 8 links to determine the final plan. The final completion of the naming work will help further enrich the connotation of campus culture, enhance the influence and attraction of campus culture, and enhance the sense of belonging of teachers and students.
The school district organized the safety and health inspection before the winter vacation
In order to implement the document of education working committee of the party committee of the autonomous region "notice on further strengthening the fire safety work of colleges and universities" and ensure the safe operation of the campus during the winter holiday, on January 8, China university of petroleum (Beijing) karamay campus organized to carry out the safety and health inspection before the winter holiday.The inspection is carried out in the form of self-examination, self-examination and rectification. The inspection work is led by zhang hongyan, the chief accountant of the campus, and the person in charge of the finance and campus management department, who will inspect the key business contents of the campus, such as food sanitation, infrastructure construction, property management and special equipment, item by item. Upon completion of the inspection, the hidden problems shall be implemented to the relevant units according to the principle of "who is in charge and who is responsible", and the rectification shall be carried out promptly.Through the inspection before the winter vacation, I enhanced the sense of safety responsibility of all staff, strengthened the post safety responsibility, and laid a solid foundation for the safe operation of the campus during the winter vacation.
Campus school of technology holds innovation and entrepreneurship seminar
On January 7, the school of engineering, karamay campus of China university of petroleum (Beijing) held a seminar for 2017 undergraduate students majoring in chemical engineering. Some full-time teachers of the chemical engineering department and all 2017 chemical engineering undergraduates participated in the lecture, which was presided over by associate professor zhang haibing, a teacher of the chemical engineering department.Zhang haibing introduced the current situation of innovation and entrepreneurship in colleges and universities as well as the eight innovation and entrepreneurship topics in this seminar. The instructors of each innovative subject introduced the research background, required professional knowledge and students' needs in detail, and answered students' questions on the spot.The seminar lasted for 3 hours, the atmosphere was warm, students actively registered. All the participants said that they had deeply realized their shortcomings in professional knowledge and scientific research ability through participating in this seminar, and they hoped to continuously enrich their professional knowledge and enhance their professional skills through participating in various innovation and entrepreneurship competitions.This seminar on innovation and entrepreneurship project is a key task for the cultivation of comprehensive quality of students majoring in chemical engineering and technology. It aims to point out the direction and create a good atmosphere for undergraduates majoring in chemical engineering to participate in innovation and entrepreneurship activities in the future.
Campus issued university city campus area, building naming scheme
To fully implement the national ideological and political work conference spirit and the central committee of the communist party of China, issued by the state council on strengthening and improving ideological and political work in colleges and universities under the new situation of opinion "spirit, as an important part of college campus culture construction, the CPC party-mass work has led to assist campus departments since July 2018, the university campus area, building named after work and in January 2019, determine the final naming scheme.In line with inheritance, seriousness, functional and cultural naming principles, after extensive collection, preliminary examination and revision level 3 review, comment and discussion, customer satisfaction, three school (courtyard) scheme, elect campus working links such as review stage, finally passed "the chongwen floor", "red square", "red flag" on the playground 50 areas, such as building name.It is reported that this work as one of the key work of the school district this year, the naming process lasted for 6 months, has received 37 sets of plans in line with the requirements, naming more than 360, through 8 links to determine the final plan. The final completion of the naming work will help further enrich the connotation of campus culture, enhance the influence and attraction of campus culture, and enhance the sense of belonging of teachers and students.
Campus held in 2019 the first party working committee central group theoretical learning expansion conference
On January 9th in the afternoon, China university of petroleum (Beijing) karamay campus working group in 2019, the first theoretical study would held in room 901 on the J1 Ⅱ. All members of the central group of the CPC working committee and middle-level cadres attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Chen danen, party secretary of the campus.The content of this study is a special study on the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up. All members of the central group watched the speech "40 years of reform and opening up, so that China can stand up to anyone's comparison" given by professor zhang weiwei of fudan university. Professor zhang weiwei summed up the experience and wisdom of China's development course, China's road and China's model in the past 40 years of reform and opening up from three aspects: "learning from the west and sticking to myself"; "proceeding from reality and carrying out steady reform"; "exploring constantly and avoiding traps". Emphasized on the strategic choice to the country's development path to China made the right choice, and adhere to the road to development suited to their own conditions, determined the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory system of self-confidence, self-confidence, and self-confidence, and therefore is in an unprecedented trend rise, become the world's few truly great country to find the road to success.Da-en Chen pointed out in the summary speech of a period in the future to further study the implementation of the general secretary of xi jinping in celebrating the 40th anniversary of reform and opening to the conference's important speech spirit as an important political task, to learn and understand, including "comprehensively deepen reform" of the CPC central committee "four comprehensive" combining strategic layout, enhance the reform and opening up in all the teachers and students of firmness, self-consciousness and initiative. All party members and cadres should take the lead in combining the actual work of the current campus, do a good job in the mid - and long-term development planning, and pool their wisdom to promote the development of the campus, so as to achieve a sound and rapid development of the campus.
The school of technology held a New Year forum
January 8, China university of petroleum (Beijing) karamay campus school of engineering held a New Year forum. Guo xuqiang, dean of the school of engineering, zhang yuping, deputy dean, zhang song, full-time deputy secretary, all the teachers who have assisted the construction, new teachers in 2018 and department heads of all majors attended the symposium.At the symposium, the participating teachers spoke actively and Shared their work experience in 2018. Zhao judi, a counterpart construction aid teacher of east China university of science and technology, said that she did not feel lonely or strange when she came to work in the campus. At the same time, she also gave full affirmation to the students in the campus. She was deeply moved by the diligent and studious attitude of the students, which strengthened her confidence in completing the construction work with high quality. Yao benchun, a teacher sent by the school headquarters, said that it is a great honor to work in the campus with great development potential and opportunities, and grow and develop together with the campus. According to dai hui, a new teacher in 2018, she is glad to join a young and energetic team, get along well with colleagues, and further improve her professional knowledge and level. Hao huanhuan, the instructor of the class of 2018, Shared his experience in the change of work from the government office to the college, and said that he would constantly improve himself in the future work, be responsible for his own position, and be responsible for every student he tutored. The participating teachers also put forward many valuable Suggestions on improving the working mode of the union, enhancing the activity enthusiasm of the staff and expanding the recreational and sports activities.College leaders have given full recognition and high evaluation to the work of the corresponding teachers and new teachers. We hope that all of you can make persistent efforts to complete the tasks of the New Year with high quality and efficiency and contribute to the development of the campus.
The school of technology held a New Year forum2
January 8, China university of petroleum (Beijing) karamay campus school of engineering held a New Year forum. Guo xuqiang, dean of the school of engineering, zhang yuping, deputy dean, zhang song, full-time deputy secretary, all the teachers who have assisted the construction, new teachers in 2018 and department heads of all majors attended the symposium.At the symposium, the participating teachers spoke actively and Shared their work experience in 2018. Zhao judi, a counterpart construction aid teacher of east China university of science and technology, said that she did not feel lonely or strange when she came to work in the campus. At the same time, she also gave full affirmation to the students in the campus. She was deeply moved by the diligent and studious attitude of the students, which strengthened her confidence in completing the construction work with high quality. Yao benchun, a teacher sent by the school headquarters, said that it is a great honor to work in the campus with great development potential and opportunities, and grow and develop together with the campus. According to dai hui, a new teacher in 2018, she is glad to join a young and energetic team, get along well with colleagues, and further improve her professional knowledge and level. Hao huanhuan, the instructor of the class of 2018, Shared his experience in the change of work from the government office to the college, and said that he would constantly improve himself in the future work, be responsible for his own position, and be responsible for every student he tutored. The participating teachers also put forward many valuable Suggestions on improving the working mode of the union, enhancing the activity enthusiasm of the staff and expanding the recreational and sports activities.College leaders have given full recognition and high evaluation to the work of the corresponding teachers and new teachers. We hope that all of you can make persistent efforts to complete the tasks of the New Year with high quality and efficiency and contribute to the development of the campus.
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