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The school district organized the safety and health inspection before the winter vacation

In order to implement the document of education working committee of the party committee of the autonomous region "notice on further strengthening the fire safety work of colleges and universities" and ensure the safe operation of the campus during the winter holiday, on January 8, China university of petroleum (Beijing) karamay campus organized to carry out the safety and health inspection before the winter holiday.

The inspection is carried out in the form of self-examination, self-examination and rectification. The inspection work is led by zhang hongyan, the chief accountant of the campus, and the person in charge of the finance and campus management department, who will inspect the key business contents of the campus, such as food sanitation, infrastructure construction, property management and special equipment, item by item. Upon completion of the inspection, the hidden problems shall be implemented to the relevant units according to the principle of "who is in charge and who is responsible", and the rectification shall be carried out promptly.

Through the inspection before the winter vacation, I enhanced the sense of safety responsibility of all staff, strengthened the post safety responsibility, and laid a solid foundation for the safe operation of the campus during the winter vacation.