News & Events


Yan Yang
Yan YangMaster's DegreeAssociate ProfessorDirector of the Foreign Languages Department, Head of the English MajorEducation Background2008.09-2012.06: Bachelor's Degree in English, Hangzhou Normal University2012.09-2013.10: Master's Degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Lancaster University, UKWork Experience2014.07-2016.06: Worked in the Preparatory Office of Karamay Polytechnic CollegeSince 2016.07: Teacher at the Foreign Languages Department, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) at KaramayCourses TaughtCollege EnglishEnglish ReadingEnglish WritingResearch InterestsForeign Language TeachingTeacher DevelopmentResearch Projects2022: A Practical Study on the Collaborative Education of Fostering the Chinese Nation's Sense of Community in Karamay Schools under the Guidance of Cultural Semiotics Theory, Karamay Federation of Social Sciences2020: Research and Practice of Blended Teaching Mode of College English Listening and Speaking Courses Based on the iSmart Platform, Department of Education, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region2020: Exploration and Practical Research on the Reform of College Foreign Language Teaching System under the Guidance of Ideological and Political Education in Courses, Department of Education, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region2019: Research on Regional and National Studies in Central Asia under the Background of the "One Belt, One Road" Initiative, Department of Education, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous RegionRepresentative Publications2022: A Study on the Impact of Modern Information Technology on College English Education and Teaching, China Educational Technology, First Author, Core Journal2021: Research on the Construction of Multimodal Teaching Mode of Basic English Research-oriented Classrooms in Colleges and Universities under the Background of Cultivating Critical Thinking Abilities, Daxue2021: Exploration of the Integration of "Cultural Confidence" Education for College Students in the New Era and College English Course Teaching, English in School2020: On Vocabulary Learning Mode - the Integration of Incidental Learning and Explicit Instructions, Overseas EnglishMajor Honors and AwardsAwards:Won the first prize in the Basic Skills Competition for Young Teachers at the campus in 2017Won the first prize in the "Petroleum Cup" National Foreign Language Teachers' Teaching Skills Competition (University English Group) in 2017Won the provincial second prize in the Third China Foreign Language Micro-lecture Competition in 2017Won the third prize in the "Hongda Cup" and the 12th Basic Skills Competition for Young Teachers in Liberal Arts and History Group at China University of Petroleum (Beijing) at Karamay in 2018Won the provincial first prize of the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press "Star of Teaching" Competition (Undergraduate English Group) in 2022Honors:Named as an Excellent Ideological and Political (Moral Education) Worker in Karamay City from 2018 to 2019Named as an Excellent Teacher at China University of Petroleum (Beijing) at Karamay from 2018 to 2020Named as a Brand Teacher at the campus level in 2022Contact InformationE-mail: yangyan@cupk.edu.cnOffice Phone: 0990-6633227
Tianfang Yang
Tianfang Yang master, associate professor, master tutorHead of the physics departmentEducational experience2001.09-2005.06 China University of Petroleum (East China) Bachelor of Applied Physics2005.09-2008.06 Master of Radio Physics, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)Work experience2008.07-2018.06, Engineer, Deputy Director of Research Institute, petrochina West Drilling Karamay Logging Engineering Company2018.07-2021.07 China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Karamay Campus teacher Senior engineer2021.08-present China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Karamay Campus Associate professor tutorCourse Teaching1. College Physics2. University Physics Experiment3. Physical Technology and Engineering PracticeResearch direction1. Energy physics (carbon dioxide adsorption, conversion, storage and new energy utilization research)2. Physical mechanism of unconventional oil and gas exploitationScientific research project1. Research on Key Technologies and equipment for automatic logging acquisition and Intelligent Analysis (20230033)2. Study on Molecular Dynamics Mechanism of Pyrolysis Reaction of Heavy Oil fire flooding Development (20220045)3. Evaluation of Permian pore pressure in Mahu Depression (20190030)4. Study on conformity rate of Formation Fluid Interpretation and Evaluation Chart in Mahu Sag, Xinjiang (20180027)5. Evaluation of Borehole stability and drilling fluid Countermeasures in the southern margin of Junggar Basin (202000296. Study on Dynamic parameters and Supporting Technology of fire drive reservoir Scheme (20220056)Scientific research achievement1. Presided over and participated in more than 8 horizontal and horizontal projects such as provincial natural science funds2. Published more than 10 papers in core journals, many of which were included by SCI3. Obtained 2 national patentsRepresentative paper1. Lu, Xiaoqing; Xu, Hui; Yang, Tianfang*,Cheng, Zhi. Co3+-rich CoFe-PBA encapsulated in ultrathin MoS2 sheath as integrated core-shell architectures for highly efficient OER. Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2023)2. Shengyu Xu, Shuxian Wei, Tianfang Yang*, Xiaoqing Lu Li-decorated β1-graphyne for high performance CO2 capture and separation over N2. Applied Surface Science (2022)3. Wenyin Jiang, Songqing Zhao and Tianfang Yang*. Economic and Technical Analysis of Power to Gas FactoryTaking Karamay as an Example. Sustainability (2022)4. Yang Tianfang, Xue Xiaojun, Fu Lianming. Improvement of formation pressure monitoring method and its application in drilling. Drilling Technology (2021)5. Yang Tianfang, Xie Xuan, Chen Xianghui. Research and application of fluid interpretation method based on geochemical multi-factor parameters. Bonding (2021)6. Yang Tianfang. Application status and development thinking of comprehensive logging well control monitoring technology. Logging Engineering (2016)7. Yang Tianfang. Analysis of complex causes and countermeasures for the southern margin project of Junggar Basin. Logging Engineering (2017)8. X.Q. Lu, W. Y. Guo, T. F. Yang, L. M. Zhao, S. C. Du, L. Wang, H. H. Shan. Gas-phasereactions of Co+with ethylamine: A theoretical approach to the reaction mechanismsof transition metal ions with primary amines. J.Phys. Chem. A9.L. M.Zhao, W. Y. Guo, T. F. Yang,X. Q. Lu.Theoreticalsurvey of the potential energy surface of methyl nitrite + Cu+reaction. J. Phys.Chem. A10.Lianming Zhao, Yong Wang, Wenyue Guo,* Xiaoqing Lu, Tianfang Yang. Theoretical investigation of the Fe+-catalyzed oxidation of acetylene by N2O. The Journal of Physical Chemistry AEducational Reform and Representative Papers:1 Course Design and Practice Research of University Physics Blended Teaching Based on Rain Classroom Platform (School-level project 2003)2. Teaching Research of College Physics under New Media Environment (University-level Project 2020)3. Further study of Multiple simple harmonic vibration synthesis problems, Guangxi Physics (2023)4. Rain Class_Dingding Live Mode Teaching Application Research, Journal of Higher Education (2021)Monograph:1. Basic and Application of Comprehensive Logging Engineering Technology, Xi 'an: Northwest University Press, 2023.09, Alone2. Logging Technical Manual, Beijing: Petroleum Industry Press, 2015.6.Major Honors and Awards:1. Top Talents in Karamay District, Karamay City, Xinjiang (2023-2025)2. Logging device. Patent. China Petroleum and Chemical Automation Industry Patent Third Prize (2022)3. The Most Beautiful Scientist in Karamay (20224. Expert in Popular Science Education of the Autonomous Region (2022)5. Advanced Individual in Academic Activities of Xinjiang Petroleum Society (2017)6. Third Prize for research paper on Three major basins in Xinjiang (2015)7. Petrochina West Drilling Technology Innovation Third Prize (2014)Contact informationE-mail: tfyang@cupk.edu.cnOffice phone: 0990-6633242/15022852472
Ping Xue
Ping XueBachelorAssociate ProfessorEducation and Research ExperienceOctober 1983 - July 1989: Xinjiang UniversitySeptember 1989 - July 2005: Xuzhou Normal University (now Jiangsu Normal University)August 2005 - August 2011: Taught at the Chinese Language Teaching Department of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)September 2011 - July 2015: Taught at the Confucius Institute of Universidad San Francisco de Quito, EcuadorSeptember 2015 - August 2017: Taught at the Chinese Language Teaching Department of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)September 2017 - November 2018: Worked at the Karamay Campus of China University of Petroleum (Beijing)December 2018 - November 2020: Worked at China University of Petroleum (Beijing)Courses TaughtChinese Intensive ReadingComprehensive ChineseChinese ReadingChinese ListeningChinese for Graduate StudentsScientific and Technological ChineseScientific and Technological Listening and SpeakingChinese WritingHSK TutorialNews Interviewing and WritingHistory of Chinese JournalismEditing StudiesResearch Area and Direction:Teaching Chinese Grammar and Characters to ForeignersThe Laws and Difficulties of Chinese Language TeachingResearch ProjectsResearch and Practice on the Cultivation of Foreign Students' Chinese Character SkillsThe Development Trend of University Newspapers and the Cultivation of Cross-Century TalentsRepresentative PublicationsDiscussion on the Teaching Mode of Chinese Grammar for ForeignersA Brief Analysis of Chinese Character Teaching for Foreign StudentsExploring Chinese Character Teaching for Foreigners from the Perspective of Foreign Students' Chinese Character Writing ErrorsHow We Understand EnlightenmentOn Deng Xiaoping's Thought of News PropagandaThe Impact of Communication Methods on Contemporary Cultural CommunicationThe Contemporariness of Artistic Communication and Mass CommunicationThe Positioning of Online News from the Perspective of Communication MethodsOn the Trend of Party Newspaper Supplements under the New SituationUniversity Newspaper Editors Should Lay a Solid Foundation in "Five Aspects" and Strengthen "Five Consciousnesses"On the Relationship between the Ideological and Political Education Function of University Newspapers and the "Three Unifications"Development Strategies for University Newspapers under the New SituationOther AchievementsCo-editor of the textbook "Petroleum Scientific and Technological Chinese" at China University of PetroleumEditor-in-chief of the book "Ivory Chronicles"Contributor to the book "Wisdom and Classics"Co-editor of the book "Petroleum Scientific and Technological Chinese"Email: xp_zb@126.com
Jingjing Wang
Jingjing Wang Doctor, associate professor, master tutorSecretary and Deputy Director of Party Branch of Physics DepartmentEducational experience2005.09-2009.06 Tangshan Normal University, Hebei Province, Physics major, Bachelor2009.09-2012.06, Master of Astrophysics, Yunnan Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences2012.09-2015.06 Astrophysics, Yunnan Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.DWork experienceJul. 2016 - Now, Teacher, Department of Physics, College of Arts and Sciences, Karamay Campus, China University of Petroleum (Beijing).Courses Taught1. College Physics2. University Physics ExperimentResearch direction1. Physics teaching and education2. Binary physicsResearch project (chaired by the first person in charge)1, 2016, Observation and Study of Sun-like G-type conjuncting binary stars, Campus2, 2017, Observation and research of several G-type separated binary Stars, Key Laboratory of Celestial Structure and Evolution, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Provincial and Ministerial level3. 2018, Observation and Research on Magnetic Field activity of G-type Connected binary Stars, National Natural Science Foundation of China, National level4. In 2019, University physics teaching was written in class, campus teaching reform project, provincial and ministerial level5. 2021, Tianshan Cedar Talent Project of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Organization Department of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, provincial and ministerial level6. Study on Magnetic Field Activity and Orbital Period Change of Late-type Connected Binary Stars, Science and Technology Department of Autonomous Region, Provincial and Ministerial Level, 2022Representative paper1, 2012, New Photometric Investigation of the G-Type Contact Binary GSC 0763-0572, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, first author, SCI indexed2. 2012, V524 Monoceroits: A Marginal Contact Binary with a Cyclic Period Variation, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, second author, indexed by SCI3, 2014, Photometric Analysis of the Overcontact Binary CW Cas, Astronomy Journal, first author, indexed by SCI4. In 2014, Optical flares and a long-lived dark spot on a cool shallow contact binary, Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Second author, SCI5, 2015, A Comprehensive Photometric Study of the Contact Binary GN Boo with Possible Magnetic Activities, Astronomy Journal, first author, indexed by SCI6, 2017, Is There a Substellar Object Orbiting the Solar-like Stable Contact Binary V2284 Cyg? Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, first author, SCI indexed7. In 2018, First photometric analysis of magnetic activity and orbital period variations for the semi-detached binary BU Vulpeculae, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, first author, indexed by SCI8, 2019, New Photometric Investigation of the Solar-Type Shallow-Contact Binary HH Bootis, Advances in Astronomy, second author, SCI inclusion9, 2020, New multi-color photometric investigations of solar-like contact binary V680Per, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, first author, SCI10, 2022, Studies on the Equatorial Spot of G-type Contact Binary UV Lyn, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, First author, SCI inclusionTeaching reform paper1. Teaching Thoughts on Vernier Calipers and Spiral Micrometers in applied universities, Education and Teaching Forum, First author, General Journal, 20202, 2020, The Reform of University Physics Teaching _ Getting Students Moving, Modernizing Education, First author, General Journal3, 2021, on Confucianism and Taoism in the Teaching of Calculus in University Physics, University, First author, General Journal4, 2022, a research-based teaching organization framework for university physical and electrical content, Journal of Higher Education, core journalMajor honors and awards1. In June 2017, won the second prize in the campus lecture competition;2, May 2018, campus 2016-2018 advanced individual3. May 2019, 2017-2019 Outstanding Communist Party Member of the campus4. In July 2019, 2017-2018 Outstanding Communist Party Member of Karamay Education System;5. In June 2021, 100 quality courses of the school were awarded "Silver Quality Excellent Course";6. In December 2021, Second prize of the first Ideological and political Lecture Competition of the campus.Contact informationE-mail: wangjingjing@cupk.edu.cnOffice phone: 099066333243
Yong Wang
Yong Wang Doctor, associate professorProvincial excellent teachersEducational experience2006-2010 Chengdu University of Technology Bachelor degree2010-2013 Master of Chengdu University of Technology2019-2023 PhD, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)Work experience2013-2019 Lecturer/Associate Professor, Harbin Institute of Petroleum2024-present Associate Professor, Karamay Campus, China University of Petroleum (BeijingResearch direction1. Oil and gas seepage, numerical simulation and applied mathematicsRepresentative paper1.Yong Wang, Hanqiao Jiang, Zhiqiang Wang, Pengxiang Diwu, Junjian Li , Study on the Countermeasures and Mechanism of Balanced Utilization in Multilayer Reservoirs at Ultra-High Water Cut Period, Processes, 2023, 11(11): 3111 (SCI)2. Wang Yong, Jiang Hanqiao, Li Junjian , Study on Water Injection Indicator Curve Model in Fractured Vuggy Carbonate Reservoir, Geofluids, 2021, 2021: 1-14 (SCI)3. Yong Wang, Hanqiao Jiang, Junjian Li, Chunhua Lv, Jianbo Liu, Xiaobin Ma , Study on Smart Numerical Simulation Mechanism in Complex Reservoir Using Embedded Discrete Fracture Model, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 2083(3): 032081 (EI)4. Wang Yong, JIANG Hanqiao, Guo Chen, ZHAO Xudong, WU Pengxiang, LI Junjian. Experimental study on water channeling control of fractured carbonate reservoir after degassing based on microfluidic technology, China Offshore Oil and Gas, 2023, 35(1): 78-88 (Chinese Core)5. Dong Chen, Chengze Zhang, Min Yang, Haiming Li, Cuili Wang, Pengxiang Diwu, Hanqiao Jiang, Yong Wang . Research on Water Invasion Law and Control Measures for Ultradeep, Fractured, and Low-Porosity Sandstone Gas Reservoirs: A Case Study of Kelasu Gas Reservoirs in Tarim Basin, Processes, 2024, 12(2): 310 (SCI, corresponding author)Scientific research achievement(1) Wang Yong, Li Junjian, Jiang Hanqiao, ZHANG Baorui, JIA Hongge, Wang Xugang, Zhou Fujian, Wu Lixin. A reservoir parameter calculation method, device and equipment, 2022-02-11, China, CN202010020558.1 (Invention patent)(2) Wang Yong. Interpretation Model of cavery-Constant volume Physical energy indicator curve in Carbonate reservoir, 2017-10-8, China, 201710988724.5 (Invention patent)(3) The fifth Pengxiang, Wang Yong, Li Junjian, Zhang 媌, ZHAO Wenqi, JIA Hongge, ZHAO Xudong. Characterization method, device and storage medium of interwell seepage channel based on chemical flooding, 2022-07-13, China, CN202210819186.8 (Invention Patent)(4) LI Junjian, Wang Yong, Fifth Pengxiang, Zhang 媌, ZHAO Wenqi, JIA Hongge, ZHAO Xudong. Characterization method, device and storage medium of inter-well seepage channel based on water drive, 2022-07-13, China, CN202210819160.3 (Invention Patent)Major honorIn 2019, he won the title of "Excellent Teacher of Heilongjiang Province"otherThe Review Editor of SCI and EI journals such as Frontiers in Energy Research and Journal of Physics, and the editorial board of Contemporary Petrochemical IndustryContact informationE-mail: wycupb@cupk.edu.cn
Hong Ma
Hong Maassociate professorEducational experience1983-1987 Bachelor, Northeast Normal UniversityWork experience1987-1999 Lecturer at Shenyang University1999-2022 Associate Professor, Shenyang UniversityCourse Teaching1. Advanced Mathematics2. Calculus3. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics4. Linear AlgebraScientific research project1. Main participant of the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" Teaching Scientific Planning research project of Liaoning Province, "Research on Teaching Content, Teaching Methods and Modern Teaching Methods of Teaching Courses in Agricultural Colleges", 2001.01Main achievements (patents and awards, etc.)1. Third Prize of the first batch of Outstanding Achievements in Education and Science in the Tenth Five-Year Plan of Liaoning Province, Liaoning Provincial Department of Education, 2004.01, Main person in charge of the project2. Guided the students in the modeling contest and won the first prize in Liaoning Competition area3. Guided students in the modeling contest and won the second prize in Liaoning Province 2003.094. Guided students in modeling competition and won 2 third prizes in Liaoning Competition area, 2004.095. Won Baosteel Excellent Teacher Award, Baosteel Education Foundation, 2001.116. Won the Shenyang ExcellentTeacher Award, Shenyang Municipal People's Government 1999.097. Advanced Individual of Shenyang Teachers' Ethics, Shenyang People's Government, 2000.098. Zeng Xianzi Education Award, Shenyang Education Commission 1999.099. Zeng Xianzi Education Award, Shenyang Education Commission 2000.09Contact informationE-mail: sdmahong@163.comMobile phone: 18640279310
Chao Gao
Chao Gao associate professorEducational experience1977.10-1980.12, Bachelor of Mathematics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology1985.8-1986.7, Teaching Assistant Course of Industrial Economics Department, Central South University of Finance and Economics (Master's program)1988.2-1989.1, Computer Application Course, Central South University of Finance and EconomicsWork experience1980.06-2015.12, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law2019.09-2022.07, Basic Course Department, Western Yunnan University of Applied Technology2022.08-present, Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, Karamay Campus, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)Courses Taught1. Advanced Mathematics2. Linear Algebra3. Probability Theory and Mathematical StatisticsResearch direction1. Economic system analysis2. Mathematical economics3. University mathematics teaching researchRepresentative paper1. June 1993, Chaos of C-D Production Function, Systems Engineering, first author, CSSCI Core Journal of NTU Core Journal2. October 1995, Study on Tax Function Theory, Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, RCCSE China Core Academic Journal, first author3. Study on index system of industrial economic benefit in 1994. Systems Engineering Theory and Practice, Second author, Indexed by EI, Core JournalMajor honors and awards1. Won the Annual outstanding award of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law for four timesContact informationMobile phone: 15172462762
Jing Yu
Jing Yu Masterassociate professorEducational experience2000.09-2004.06 China University of Petroleum (East China), Information and Computing Science, Bachelor2004.09-2007.06 China University of Petroleum (East China), Major in Computational mathematics, MasterWork experienceJul. 2016 to date, Teacher, Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, Karamay Campus, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)Courses Taught1. Advanced Mathematics2. Calculation MethodResearch direction1. Application of mathematics in oil and gas explorationScientific research project1. Logging Evaluation Method and Application of lacustrine Cloud Rock tight oil in Junggar Basin, China National Petroleum Corporation, 2011-20152, 2013-2016, reservoir formation theory and technology innovation of conglomerate oil field and discovery of Karamay super-large oil field, China National Petroleum Company Limited3, 2016-2020, Spectral Analysis of Element Capture Spectral Logging based on Optimization method, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Karamay Campus.4. 2019-2021, based on deep neural network model and image processing, Education Department of the Autonomous Region.Major honors and awards1, June 2019, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Karamay Campus lecture competition first prize;2. Excellent Teacher of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in June 2020;3. Second Prize for Teaching achievements of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in 2021;4. In 2021, as one of the main teachers, the course "Advanced Mathematics" was rated as one of the top 100 Quality courses of China University of Petroleum (Beijing).Contact informationE-mail: yujing@cupk.edu.cnOffice phone: 6633231
Lei Xiao
Lei Xiao bachelorassociate professormaster supervisor in charge of statistics majorEducational experience1980.09-1984.06 Department of Mathematics, Northwest University, Bachelor of MathematicsWork experience1984.07-1988.02, Teacher of Basic School, Beijing Graduate School, East China Petroleum Institute1988.03-1991.07, Teacher, Department of Mathematics, Department of Basic Science, University of Petroleum (Beijing)1991.8-1997.5 Deputy Director and Director of Mathematics Teaching and Research Department of Basic Science, University of Petroleum (Beijing)1997.5-1997.11 Visiting Scholar, Department of Statistics, Aarhus University, Denmark1997.11-2004.12 Deputy Director of Academic Affairs Office, University of Petroleum (Beijing)2001.09-2002.07 Served as Deputy Director of West Campus Office, University of Petroleum (Beijing)2004.5-2005.12 Head of Department of Mathematics, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)2006.4 The Ministry of Education undergraduate teaching level assessment expert group secretary work seminar2005.1-2007.11 Deputy Director of Undergraduate Evaluation Office, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)2007.4-2008.4 Deputy Director of Higher Education Department of Beijing Municipal Education Commission (temporary post)2007.12-2011.5 Director, Institute of Development and Reform, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Director of Teaching Quality Evaluation Center2011.06-2016.03, Director of Development Planning Department, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)2016.04-2021.06, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Karamay Campus, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)2021.07 - Now Teacher, Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Karamay CampusCourses Taught1. Linear Algebra2. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics3. Mathematical Statistics4. Regression Analysis5. Time Series Analysis6. Bayes Statistics6. Applied Statistical Methods7. Educational Statistics8. Applied Functional Analysis9. Statistical Software and Special Lecture (Language)Research direction1. Statistics: multivariate statistical analysis, time series analysis, Bayesian statistics.2. Higher education: modern university system, comparative higher education, higher engineering education.Scientific research project1. Research on the classification standards of Chinese colleges and Universities based on talent training (Beijing), Project leader2. Research on the Establishment of long-term mechanism of Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation (Beijing), Project leader3. Program for Classification and Evaluation of Undergraduate teaching work in higher education (Ministry of Education), project participant4. New Engineering Research and Practice Project of Ministry of Education (Engineering Superiority University Group) : Construction of international engineering education base in the core area of "Silk Road Economic Belt", project leaderRepresentative paper1. Xiao Lei, Shi Weilin, "The Institutional Solution of the Conflict between Academic Power and administrative Power: Based on the analysis of the charter texts of 23 universities", Journal of Education and Academia (2015, 02).2. Lei Xiao, Rui Cao, Jun Wang, Yansheng Liu, Chaoyu Yan, Mathematical model of distillation curve of petroleum fractions under atmospheric pressure, Oil Refining Technology and Engineering, 39(12):49-53 (EI)3. Xiao Lei, Li Hongwei, All-UK Student Forum and its implications for teaching quality control in Chinese universities, Journal of China University of Petroleum, 2011, S2:1-44. Xiao Lei, Li Hongwei, Reflections on Undergraduate Teaching evaluation, Journal of China University of Petroleum, 2009.S1: 5-75. Li Hongwei, Xiao Lei, Gao Qiuxiang, "Research and Practice of Undergraduate Teaching Quality Assessment", Petroleum Education(Issue 03 of 2005).Major honors and awards1. Outstanding Young Backbone Teacher of Beijing Colleges and Universities in 19932. The second prize of Beijing Education and Teaching Achievements (Higher Education) in 2004 (ranked 3rd)3. The third batch of brand course teachers of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in 20064. Excellent Teaching Manager of Beijing Colleges and Universities in 20085. Special Prize of Beijing Higher Education Teaching Achievement in 2021 (ranked 4th)Contact informationE-mail: 0205@cupk.edu.cnOffice phone: 0990-6633219
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