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Lei Xiao

Lei Xiao  肖磊


associate professor

master supervisor in charge of statistics major

Educational experience

1980.09-1984.06 Department of Mathematics, Northwest University, Bachelor of Mathematics

Work experience

1984.07-1988.02, Teacher of Basic School, Beijing Graduate School, East China Petroleum Institute

1988.03-1991.07, Teacher, Department of Mathematics, Department of Basic Science, University of Petroleum (Beijing)

1991.8-1997.5 Deputy Director and Director of Mathematics Teaching and Research Department of Basic Science, University of Petroleum (Beijing)

1997.5-1997.11 Visiting Scholar, Department of Statistics, Aarhus University, Denmark

1997.11-2004.12 Deputy Director of Academic Affairs Office, University of Petroleum (Beijing)

2001.09-2002.07 Served as Deputy Director of West Campus Office, University of Petroleum (Beijing)

2004.5-2005.12 Head of Department of Mathematics, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

2006.4 The Ministry of Education undergraduate teaching level assessment expert group secretary work seminar

2005.1-2007.11 Deputy Director of Undergraduate Evaluation Office, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

2007.4-2008.4 Deputy Director of Higher Education Department of Beijing Municipal Education Commission (temporary post)

2007.12-2011.5 Director, Institute of Development and Reform, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Director of Teaching Quality Evaluation Center

2011.06-2016.03, Director of Development Planning Department, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

2016.04-2021.06, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Karamay Campus, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

2021.07 - Now Teacher, Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Karamay Campus

Courses Taught

1. Linear Algebra

2. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics

3. Mathematical Statistics

4. Regression Analysis

5. Time Series Analysis

6. Bayes Statistics

6. Applied Statistical Methods

7. Educational Statistics

8. Applied Functional Analysis

9. Statistical Software and Special Lecture (Language)

Research direction

1. Statistics: multivariate statistical analysis, time series analysis, Bayesian statistics.

2. Higher education: modern university system, comparative higher education, higher engineering education.

Scientific research project

1. Research on the classification standards of Chinese colleges and Universities based on talent training (Beijing), Project leader

2. Research on the Establishment of long-term mechanism of Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation (Beijing), Project leader

3. Program for Classification and Evaluation of Undergraduate teaching work in higher education (Ministry of Education), project participant

4. New Engineering Research and Practice Project of Ministry of Education (Engineering Superiority University Group) : Construction of international engineering education base in the core area of "Silk Road Economic Belt", project leader

Representative paper

1. Xiao Lei, Shi Weilin, "The Institutional Solution of the Conflict between Academic Power and administrative Power: Based on the analysis of the charter texts of 23 universities", Journal of Education and Academia (2015, 02).

2. Lei Xiao, Rui Cao, Jun Wang, Yansheng Liu, Chaoyu Yan, Mathematical model of distillation curve of petroleum fractions under atmospheric pressure, Oil Refining Technology and Engineering, 39(12):49-53 (EI)

3. Xiao Lei, Li Hongwei, All-UK Student Forum and its implications for teaching quality control in Chinese universities, Journal of China University of Petroleum, 2011, S2:1-4

4. Xiao Lei, Li Hongwei, Reflections on Undergraduate Teaching evaluation, Journal of China University of Petroleum, 2009.S1: 5-7

5. Li Hongwei, Xiao Lei, Gao Qiuxiang, "Research and Practice of Undergraduate Teaching Quality Assessment", Petroleum Education

(Issue 03 of 2005).

Major honors and awards

1. Outstanding Young Backbone Teacher of Beijing Colleges and Universities in 1993

2. The second prize of Beijing Education and Teaching Achievements (Higher Education) in 2004 (ranked 3rd)

3. The third batch of brand course teachers of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in 2006

4. Excellent Teaching Manager of Beijing Colleges and Universities in 2008

5. Special Prize of Beijing Higher Education Teaching Achievement in 2021 (ranked 4th)

Contact information

E-mail: 0205@cupk.edu.cn

Office phone: 0990-6633219