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Xiaoruo Shen

Xiaoruo Shen申晓若

Education: Bachelor's Degree Title: Professor

Department: Department of Marxism

Research Area and Direction: Marxist Theory and Contemporary World

Email: Shenxr010@163.com

Education and Research Experience

March 1978 - January 1982: Bachelor's Degree, Inner Mongolia Normal College (attended graduate courses in World History Teaching Assistant Training Program at the History Department of Yunnan University from September 1985 to July 1986)

Work Experience

June 1974 - March 1978: Worked at Xixiboyingzi Brigade, Aolibugao Commune, Tongliao County, Inner Mongolia

February 1982 - September 1987: Teacher at the Political and History Department, Inner Mongolia Normal College (currently Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities)

September 1987 - September 1997: Teacher at the History Department, Jilin Teachers' College (currently Beihua University)

September 1997 - March 2023: Teacher at the School of Marxism, Central University of Finance and Economics (retired in April 2023)

August 2023 - Present: Teacher at the School of Marxism, Karamay Campus of China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

Courses Taught

For undergraduate students, junior college students, preparatory students, correspondence students, students, international students, graduate students at all levels, the history of the Chinese Revolution, Outline of modern and modern Chinese history, History of economic theory, modern and modern world History, Medieval history, Global history, American history, History of religion, Globalization and Global Governance, Case studies on contemporary international hot spots, Situation and Policy education, Contemporary China, International Education, International Education, International education, and International education. More than 20 courses include contemporary world Economy and Politics, Theory and Practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, Thematic study on the Basic Principles of Marxism, Cultural comparison between China and Foreign countries, Research on China's National Conditions, thematic study on democratic politics with Chinese Characteristics, and political theory and practice.

Scientific research project

1. In August 1996, presided over the teaching research project of Jilin Provincial Education Commission: "Serial Teaching in the Transition Period of World History";

2. In November 2007, presided over the key project of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" special plan of Beijing Higher Education Association: "Investigation and Research on Contemporary World Economy and Politics Courses in Universities";

3. In October 2016, he chaired the key project of China-Asean Institute: "Research on the Post-2015 Development Agenda and China-Asean Development Cooperation";

4. In January 2010, he participated in the National Social Science Fund project "European Renaissance History Research" (the final result of the project "European Renaissance History" (12 volumes) was published by the People's Publishing House), and won the first prize of the sixth Scientific Research Outstanding Achievements of Higher Education institutions of the Ministry of Education in 2013.