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Xiaohe Chen

Xiaohe Chencxhjc

Education: Doctorate Title: Professor

Department: Marxist Theory Department

Research Area and Direction: National Defense Economy, Socialist Market Economy


Education and Research Experience

February 1978 - January 1982, Bachelor's Degree, Anhui Normal University

September 1983 - July 1986, Master's Degree, Inner Mongolia Normal University

September 1999 - July 2002, Doctorate, Naval Command Academy

Work Experience

December 1972 - December 1974, Soldier, 21st Detachment, 2001 Unit of the PLA

January 1975 - December 1975, Clerk, Anqing Municipal Garden Management Office

January 1976 - January 1978, Teacher, Anqing No. 15 Middle School

February 1982 - August 1983, Teacher, Anqing Normal School

August 1986 - July 1991, Lecturer, Naval Academy

July 1991 - October 1991, Acting Deputy Political Commissar, No. 29 Escort Boat Brigade, 21st Naval Detachment

November 1991 - January 1992, Acting Deputy Director, Propaganda Department, Political Department of Naval Fujian Base

February 1992 - August 1999, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Naval Command Academy

August 2002 - September 2004, Director of the Second Office, Research Department, Naval Command Academy

October 2004 - November 2019, Professor and Director of the National Defense Economy Research Center, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

February 2022 - Present, Silver Age Teacher, Karamay Campus, China University of Petroleum, Beijing

Honors and Awards

  1. Awarded as an Excellent Teacher of the Navy in 1998.

  2. Won the Second Prize for Excellent Courses of the Navy in 2000, ranking second.

  3. Awarded as an Advanced Individual of Military Transferred Cadres in Shanghai in 2009.

  4. Named as a National Excellent Educator in 2010.

Courses Taught

Courses taught during the school term: Dialectics of Nature, Basic Principles of Marxism, Outline of Chinese Modern and Contemporary History, Special Topics on Socialist Market Economy, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

Research Projects

  1. The major project of the 10th Five-Year Plan for military scientific research of the entire military, "Research on the Series of Issues of Joint Operations," from January 1999 to December 2003, Project ID: JSKY20030003, with a project funding of 200,000 yuan. Completed, participated.

  2. The research project approved in 2005 by the Military Economic Research Center of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, "Research on Implementing the Scientific Development Concept in Equipment Construction," from January 2005 to December 2005, Project ID: JY20050017, with a project funding of 50,000 yuan. Completed, led.

  3. The research project approved in 2006 by the Military Economic Research Center of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, "Research on Establishing Modern Enterprise Systems in Military Enterprises," from January 2006 to December 2006, Project ID: JY20060051, with a project funding of 50,000 yuan. Completed, led.

  4. The key project of the National Social Science Fund in 2007, "Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Coordinated Development of Economic Construction and National Defense Construction," from January 2008 to March 2011, Project ID: 07AJY024, with a project funding of 300,000 yuan. Completed, participated.

  5. The research project approved in 2009 by the National Defense Economics Research Center of the National Defense University, "Research on the Correlation between Property Rights and Efficiency of Military Enterprises," from April 2009 to December 2009, Project ID: 2009001, with a project funding of 50,000 yuan. Completed, led.

  6. The youth project of Humanities and Social Sciences Research of the Ministry of Education in 2009, "Research on Competition and Regulation in Weapons and Equipment Procurement," from November 2009 to October 2010, Project ID: 09YJC790009, with a project funding of 100,000 yuan. Completed, participated.

  7. The research project approved in 2010 by the Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute of the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd., "Research on the Framework of Economic Evaluation Index System for Civil Aircraft and Analysis of Major Economic Influencing Factors," from June 2010 to December 2010, with a project funding of 500,000 yuan. Completed, led.

  8. The key project of the National Social Science Fund in 2011, "Research on the Performance of National Defense Economic Resources Security," from July 2011 to December 2014, Project ID: 11AJY004, with a project funding of 500,000 yuan. Completed, led.

  9. The research project approved in 2011 by the National Defense Economics Research Center of the National Defense University, "Research on Civil-Military Integration Standardization," from March 2011 to December 2011, Project ID: 2011008, with a project funding of 50,000 yuan. Completed, led.

  10. The research project approved in 2012 by the National Defense Economics Research Center of the National Defense University, "Research on the Performance of China's Military Expense Security Based on System Analysis," from March 2012 to December 2012, Project ID: 2012017, with a project funding of 50,000 yuan. Completed, led.

  11. The bidding project of the National Economic Mobilization Office, "Research on the Performance Evaluation System of National Economic Mobilization," from August 2014 to November 2015, Project ID: GJKY20140002, with a project funding of 200,000 yuan. Completed, led.


  1. "Engels' Scientific Attitude and Rigorous Style in Studying Dialectics of Nature," Inner Mongolia Normal University Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition in Chinese), Vol. 3, 1985. Fully reprinted in the "Dialectics of Nature" section of Renmin University's reprinted newspapers and periodicals, Vol. 12, 1985.

  2. "Some Opinions on the System of Marxist Philosophy," Inner Mongolia Normal University Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition in Chinese), Vol. 4, 1986. Fully reprinted in the "Philosophical Principles" section of Renmin University's selected newspapers and periodicals, Vol. 2, 1987.

  3. "The Law of Unity of Opposites as a Key to Understanding the Fundamental Issues of Philosophy," Journal of Fuyang Teachers' College (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), Vol. 2, 1990. Abstracted in "Teaching and Research" (Beijing), Vol. 1, 1988. Indexed in the "Philosophical Principles" section of Renmin University's reprinted newspapers and periodicals, Vol. 3, 1988.

  4. "Also on Sun Yat-sen's Theory of Origin," Academic Hundred Schools, Vol. 6, 1989.

  5. "On the Principles and Standards for Determining the Starting and Ending Points of the Development Cycle of Things," Inner Mongolia Normal University Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition in Chinese), Vol. 4, 1989. Fully reprinted in the "Philosophical Principles" section of Renmin University's reprinted newspapers and periodicals, Vol. 3, 1990. Included in the "Partial Papers Directory Index of National Newspapers" in "Philosophical Trends" and introduced as a special topic in "Negation of Negation Recent Developments." Included in the "Collection of Newspaper Article Titles" in "Xinhua Digest," Vol. 3, 1990.

  6. "Analysis of Two Issues in Sun Yat-sen's Epistemology," Naval Academic Research, Vol. 4, 1990.

  7. "Naval Researchers Must Study and Master Marxist Philosophy," Naval Academic Research, Vol. 4, 1992.

  8. "Comrade Deng Xiaoping's New Development of Mao Zedong Thought on Productive Forces," Journal of Nanjing Political Academy, Vol. 5, 1993.

  9. "On the Overall and Partial Aspects of War," Naval Academic Research, Vol. 6, 1993.

  10. "Mao Zedong's Thought on Conscious Initiative in Warfare and Its Practical Guiding Significance," Naval Academic Research, Supplement 1993.

  11. "Drawing Lessons from the Unity of Opposites between Hydrogenesis and Igneogenesis in Theoretical Thinking," Wanjiang Academic Journal, Vol. 4, 1993.

  12. "Mao Zedong's Contributions to the Theory of Subjective Initiative," Teaching and Research Series, Special Edition 1994.

  13. "Reflections on the Stages of Things' Development Cycles," Wanjiang Academic Journal, Vol. 2, 1994.

  14. "The Guiding Role of Deng Xiaoping's Thought on Military Construction in the New Era for the Naval Construction," Naval Academic Research, Vol. 3, 1994.

  15. "Deng Xiaoping's New Development of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought on Productive Forces," included in the book "Arming the Entire Army with Deng Xiaoping's Thought on Military Construction in the New Era," published by National Defense University Press, 1994.

  16. "The Harmonious Nature of Cuvier's Catastrophism," Wanjiang Academic Journal, Vol. 5, 1994.

  17. "Military Philosophical Reflections on China's Defeat in the First Sino-Japanese War," Teaching and Research Series, Vol. 3, 1995.

  18. "Issues to Be Addressed for the Military to Take the Lead in Spiritual Civilization Construction," included in the book "Collection of Naval Essays on Learning and Implementing the Spirit of the 15th CPC National Congress," published by Haichao Publishing House, 1998.

  19. "How the Military Can Take the Lead in Spiritual Civilization Construction," Naval Academic Research, Vol. 2, 1998.

  20. "On the Hierarchy of Things' Development Cycles," Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education (Social Sciences Edition), Vol. 4, 1999.

  21. "Issues Commanders Must Be Familiar With in Campaign Decision-Making," Naval Academic Research, Vol. 3, 2000.

  22. "A Further Discussion on Issues Commanders Must Be Familiar With in Campaign Decision-Making," Naval Academic Research, Vol. 10, 2000.

  23. "The Evolution of the Theory of Command of the Sea and Its Implications," Naval Academic Research, Vol. 4, 2001.

  24. "Environmental Construction of Institutes and the Cultivation of Innovative Military Talents," Chinese Military Education, Vol. 5, 2001.

  25. "Quality Cultivation of Military Innovative Talents," included in the book "Theories and Practices of Military Innovation Education," published by Haichao Publishing House, 2001.

  26. "On the Cultivation of Military Innovation Abilities," Naval Academic Research, Vol. 3, 2002.

  27. "The Current Status and Development Trends of Naval Campaign Decision-Making," Naval Academic Research, Vol. 12, 2002.

  28. "Information Quality and Modern Naval Campaign Decision-Making," Naval Magazine, Vol. 12, 2002.

  29. "On the General Laws of Campaign Decision-Making," Journal of Nanjing Political Academy, Vol. 2, 2003.

  30. "On Commanders' Decision-Making in Operational Decision-Making," Air Force Military Academics, Vol. 2, 2003.

  31. "Challenges Facing Naval Campaign Decision-Making and Their Countermeasures," Naval Military Academics, Vol. 5, 2003.

  32. "The Main Operational Characteristics of the US-UK Joint Forces in the Iraq War," included in the book "Compilation of Research Papers on the Iraq War" published by the Scientific Research Department of the Naval Command College, 2003.

  33. "The Concept and Basic Characteristics of Naval Campaign Decision-Making," Naval Academic Research, Vol. 5, 2003.

  34. "On the Principle of Being Pragmatic and Active in Operational Decision-Making," Naval Academic Research, Vol. 12, 2003.

  35. "Reflections on Promoting Leapfrog Development of Naval Equipment through Innovation," Naval Military Academics, Vol. 2, 2004.

  36. "On the Timeliness and Decisiveness of Campaign Decision-Making," Naval Academic Research, Vol. 4, 2004.

  37. "Reflections on Promoting Military Theoretical Innovation in Military Colleges and Universities," Naval Academy Education, Vol. 3, 2004.

  38. "On the Flexibility of Campaign Decision-Making," Naval Academic Research, Vol. 5, 2005.

  39. "The Soul of Operational Command Artistry: Flexibility," Journal of Xi'an Army Command Academy, Vol. 4, 2005.

  40. "Innovative Education and the Cultivation of Innovation Abilities," Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Journal, Supplement 2005.

  41. "Analysis of Several Issues Regarding the Nature of Sun Yat-sen's Philosophy," Journal of Anqing Normal University (Social Sciences Edition), Vol. 1, 2006.

  42. "Reflections on Implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development in Equipment Construction," included in the book "Scientific Outlook on Development and National Defense Economic Construction" published by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, 2006.

  43. "Maintaining the Coordinated Development of National Defense Construction and Economic Construction," included in the book "Scientific Outlook on Development and National Defense Economic Construction" published by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, 2006.

  44. "Initial Exploration of Implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development in Equipment Construction," Military Economic Research, Vol. 6, 2006.

  45. "Coordinated Development of National Defense Construction and Economic Construction: An Important Aspect of Building a Socialist Harmonious Society," included in the book "Implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development and Building a Socialist Harmonious Society" published by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, 2006.

  46. "Exploring the Epistemological Roots of the Defeat in the First Sino-Japanese War," Naval Military Academics, Vol. 3, 2006.

  47. "Rational Considerations on Increasing Military Spending," included in the book "Trends in the Development of Global Defense Economics and the Transformation of China's Defense Economy" published by National Defense University Press, 2006.

  48. "The Globalization Challenges Facing China's Defense Industry and Their Countermeasures," Military Economic Research, Vol. 10, 2006, summarized in the book "Globalization and China's Economy: Innovation, Development, Security" published by Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2006, and reprinted in full in China National Defense Economy, Vol. 4, 2007.

  49. "Initial Exploration of the Coordinated Development of National Defense Construction and Economic Construction," Socialist Research, Vol. 8, 2006.

  50. "The Mode Selection for Capital Operation in China's Military Industrial Enterprises," Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Journal, Vol. 4, 2007, included in the Digest of Humanities and Social Sciences in Colleges and Universities, Vol. 6, 2007.

  51. "Using the Scientific Outlook on Development to Coordinate and Resolve the Contradiction between Overcapacity and Insufficient Domestic Demand," Socialist Research, Vol. 7, 2007.

  52. "The Transformation of the US Defense Industry and Its Implications for China," included in the book "Exploration of Comprehensive, Coordinated, and Sustainable Development in National Defense Construction" published by National Defense University Press, 2007.

  53. "Research on the Issues of Entry Regulation in Defense Industry," Military Economic Research, Vol. 2, 2008, fully reprinted in Industrial Economics, a journal reprinted by Renmin University of China, Vol. 4, 2008.

  54. "Major Issues and Countermeasures in National Economic Mobilization in Currently Underdeveloped Provinces," Socialism Research, Vol. 7, 2008, included in the compilation "Collection of Theoretical Research Papers on National Economic Mobilization in 2008" (Volume I), published by the National Economic Mobilization Office.

  55. "Building a Harmonious Society and Solving the Problem of Migrant Workers," included in the book "Research on the Theory and Practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics" published by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 2008.

  56. "Economic Analysis of the Effectiveness of China's Defense Industry," included in the book "Transformation of Defense Economic Development Models" published by the National Defense University in 2008.

  57. "Informationized Warfare and Its New Requirements for National Economic Mobilization," Socialism Research, Vol. 8, 2008, included in the compilation "Collection of Theoretical Research Papers on National Economic Mobilization in 2008" (Volume I), published by the National Economic Mobilization Office.

  58. "Reflections on the Participation of Non-Publicly Owned Economy in the Construction of Defense Science and Technology Industry," Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Vol. 6, 2008.

  59. "The Role of Emergency Functions in National Economic Mobilization," included in the compilation "Collection of Theoretical Research Papers on National Economic Mobilization in 2008" (Volume II), published by the National Economic Mobilization Office.

  60. "A Brief Analysis of the Coordination of National Economic Mobilization and Its Evaluation Index System," included in the compilation "Collection of Theoretical Research Papers on National Economic Mobilization in 2008" (Volume I), published by the National Economic Mobilization Office.

  61. "Exploration of the Informatization of National Economic Mobilization," included in the compilation "Collection of Theoretical Research Papers on National Economic Mobilization in 2008" (Volume I), published by the National Economic Mobilization Office.

  62. "Construction of an Evaluation Index System for the Mobilization Capabilities of the Defense Industry," included in the compilation "Collection of Theoretical Research Papers on National Economic Mobilization in 2008" (Volume I), published by the National Economic Mobilization Office.

  63. "Issues of Principal-Agent and Countermeasures in Third-Party Logistics Mobilization," included in the compilation "Collection of Theoretical Research Papers on National Economic Mobilization in 2008" (Volume I), published by the National Economic Mobilization Office.

  64. "Exploration of the Flexibility of National Economic Mobilization," included in the compilation "Collection of Theoretical Research Papers on National Economic Mobilization in 2008" (Volume I), published by the National Economic Mobilization Office.

  65. "Empirical Research on the Herd Behavior of Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (QFII)," Jianghuai Tribune, Vol. 3, 2009.

  66. "The Impact of Weaponry Informatization on Defense Industrial Security and Its Countermeasures," Military Economic Research, Vol. 6, 2009.

  67. "Research on the Institutional Changes of Civil-Military Integration in China," Socialism Research, Vol. 7, 2009.

  68. "Research on Competition and Single-Source Selection in Weaponry Procurement," Defense Technology Foundation, Vol. 4, 2009.

  69. "Application of Catastrophe Theory in the Evaluation System of Wartime Financial Mobilization Effectiveness," Productivity Research, Vol. 18, 2009, included in the compilation "Collection of Theoretical Research Papers on National Economic Mobilization in 2008" (Volume II), published by the National Economic Mobilization Office.

  70. "Research on the Adjustment Sequence of Fiscal Expenditure Structure under Emergency Financial Mobilization," Military Economic Research, Vol. 11, 2009, included in the book "Defense Economic Development and Transformation over the Past Three Decades of Reform and Opening-Up" published by the National Defense University in 2009.

  71. "Analysis of the Current Status and Countermeasures of China's Defense Technology's Contribution to Economic Growth," Socialism Research, Vol. 8, 2009.

  72. .The History, Achievements and Basic Experience of the development of Higher Education in New China was published by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press in 2010, A Study on the Theory and Practice of New China in the Past 60 Years: Collection of Papers of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Teachers and Students in Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of New China.

  73.  "Optimization of Capital Structure of China's Military Listed Companies", China National Defense Economics, No. 2, 2010.

  74.  "Speeding up the Legislative Construction of Health Mobilization around the requirements of Integrated Development" -- Looking at the legislative construction of health mobilization in China from the compilation of Domestic and foreign Laws, Regulations and Cases of Health mobilization, included in the book "60 Years of National Defense Economic Construction, Development and Reform" published by National Defense University Press in 2010.

  75. The Problem of Migrant Workers and its Solution was included in the book Fairness and Justice from the Perspective of Marxism published by Shanghai People's Publishing House in 2010.

  76. Review on the relationship between National Defense Expenditure and economic Growth, Journal of Shanxi Agricultural University (Social Science Edition), No.5, 2010.

  77. "Defense acquisition Price Regulation Model", Journal of Nanchang Institute of Technology, No.6, 2010.

  78.  "Theoretical and Empirical Research on the Equilibrium relationship between National Defense Expenditure and Economic Growth: A Test Analysis based on Threshold Regression Model", Finance Research, 2011 (1).

  79.  "The Impact of Defense Expenditure on Technological Progress and Economic Growth" - A Case study of China's time series data from 1980 to 2006, China National Defense Economics, 2011 (1).

  80. Analysis on the Institutional Structure of Military-civilian Integration Technology Innovation, Nanjing Social Sciences, No.5, 2011; Reprinted in full in Academic Exchange, No. 6, 2011.

  81. Discussion on Moral Hazard in Licensing Contracts for Weapons and Equipment Technology, China National Defense Economics, No. 2, 2011.

  82. Research on the Construction of China's Military-Civilian Integration Emergency Logistics System, China Circulation Economy, No.5, 2011.

  83.  "Defense Expenditure Leverage Effect in Macroeconomy", Productivity Research, No.6, 2011.

  84. "On the Coordinated Development of National Defense Science, Technology and Industry and Regional Economy", Military Economic Research, No.8, 2011.

  85. Research on Hierarchical competition mechanism of Weapons and Equipment Acquisition, Journal of Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, No.1, 2011.

  86.  "Research on Institutional Change of National Defense Science, Technology and Industry" -- Also on the development course of "Military-civilian Integration", Science and Technology Progress and Countermeasures, No.14, 2011.

  87. "The Impact of the Open Sky Policy on the Air Transport Industry" was included in the book "Economic Research on the Design, Manufacture and Use of Large passenger Aircraft" published by Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press in June 2011.

  88. "Research on Technology Upgrading Strategy of China's Large Aircraft Industry" was included in the book "Economic Research on Design, Manufacturing and Use of Large Aircraft" published by Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press in June 2011.

  89.  "Resource Sharing mechanism of Military-Civilian Integration based on Evolutionary Game", Journal of Anhui Normal University (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition), No.6, 2011.

  90. National Geographic Characteristics, Regional Situation and Defense Expenditure: An empirical analysis based on transnational panel data model, China Urban Economy, 11 (2011).

  91. Evaluation of Equipment Mobilization Potential, Efficiency and Its Impact on National Economy, Military Economic Research, No.12, 2011.

  92. "Military enterprises to enter the civilian market timing and field selection," Military Economic Research, 2012 (1).

  93. .Measurement and International Comparison of Defense Expenditure Efficiency, Finance and Trade Economics, 2012 (3).

  94. "External Threats, Regional Conflicts, and Defense Expenditures," Military Economics Research, No. 3, 2012.

  95. "Research on Technology Upgrading Strategy of China's Aviation Industry based on Cournot Model" -- Taking large aircraft as an example, Economic Issues, 2012 (3).

  96.  "Evolutionary Game Analysis and Countermeasures of Technological Innovation Cooperation Mechanism: Based on the military-civilian Perspective", Economic Issues, No.5, 2012.

  97. "Comparison and Experience of Defense Research Investment Models between China and the United States", Military Economic Research, No.3, 2013.

  98. Research on the Two-way Transfer of Military and Civilian Technology in China, Military Economic Research, No.5, 2013.

  99.  "Analysis on the Reasons for the Abnormal Rise of China's Military Prices" was included in the "2013 International Academic Conference Exchange Proceedings of Applied Science" edited and published by the Military Economic Research Center of the People's Liberation Army, the Military Economics School, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, and Timisoara University of Technology, Romania.

  100.  "Study on the Index System of Domestic Civil Large Aircraft Life Cycle Cost Evaluation" was included in the book "Civil Aircraft Design and Operation Economics and Cost Index" published by Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press in 2013.

  101.  "The impact of RMB Appreciation on China's Civil aircraft Manufacturing Industry and its Countermeasures" was included in the book "Economic and Cost Index of Civil Aircraft Design and Operation" published by Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press in 2013.

  102.  Research on the Construction and Realization Path of Military-Civilian Integration Financing Mechanism for Defense Industry, Science and Technology Progress and Countermeasures, No.21, 2013.

  103.  "Try to perfect the Construction of civil Air Defense Engineering in the Process of Urbanization in China", China National Defense Economy, No.4, 2013.

  104. Research on the Mode of Developing Strategic Emerging Industries in National Defense Industry, Management Modernization, No.5, 2013.

  105. Risk Assessment of weapon Acquisition based on Bayesian Network, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Social Science Edition), No.4, 2013.

  106.  Evaluation of Technical Efficiency and Analysis of Influencing Factors in Aerospace Industry, Modern Management Science, No.12, 2013.

  107.  Research on the Causes and Countermeasures of Financing difficulties of small and micro enterprises in Science and Technology, Science and Technology Progress and Countermeasures, No.24, 2013.

  108.  "The characteristics of academic research on National Defense Economy in local colleges" was included in the book "Frontier Issues of National Defense Economy" published by the National Defense and Military Economic Research Center of Logistics College in 2013.

  109.  "Some Thoughts on Promoting the Informationization of Equipment Procurement", China National Defense Economics, No.5, 2014.

  110.  "Investigation on the reasons for the abnormal rise of Military Prices in China", Military Economic Research, 2014 (1).

  111.  Cost-benefit Analysis of Logistics Socialization Reform, China National Defense Economics, No.2, 2014.

  112.  On the Life Cycle Management of Defense Contracts, Management Modernization, No.3, 2014.

  113.  "China's National Economy Mobilization Emergency Response Integration Construction from the Prism Gate Incident", Military Economic Research, No.8, 2014.

  114.  "On the Performance of the National Economy in the Mobilization Preparation Stage" was included in the book "Expanding the Field of military security Socialization and Promoting the In-depth Development of military-Civilian Integration" published by Golden Shield Publishing House in 2015.

  115.  "Evolutionary Game Analysis of Military-Civilian Integration Technology Innovation", China National Defense Economics, No. 1, 2015.

  116.  "Design of Incentive Contract for Military Enterprise Executives under Dual Mandate Agency", Military Economic Research, No.2, 2015.

  117.  Study on the Cost Evaluation index System of Domestic large passenger Aircraft from the perspective of Life Cycle, Science and Technology Management Research, 2015 (4).

  118.  Vector Analysis of China's Military Expenditure Performance, Theoretical Construction, 2015 (2).

  119.  "The Economic Foundation of Military-Civilian Integrated Development" -- Based on the perspective of "economic man" hypothesis, Military Economic Research, 2015 (4).

  120.  "Military Standardization Reform and Military-Civilian Integration Development", Journal of Nanjing University of Political Science, No. 4, 2015, was published in the "Academic Card" column of the "Academic Digest of Liberal Arts in Colleges and Universities, No. 5, 2015.

  121. Analysis of Factors Contributing to the development of China's Aerospace Industry, China National Defense Economics, 2015 (4).

  122.  "Securitization of Military Assets in the New Era and its Ideas and Countermeasures" was included in the "2015 Annual Conference Papers of the National Defense Economic Research Center of National Defense University, the National Defense Economic Research Center of the Communist Party of China and the Longyan Municipal People's Government of the High-end Forum on Military-Civilian Integration Development Strategy" edited and published by the National Defense University.

  123.  "Weapon and Equipment Pricing based on R&D Cost Proportional Compensation Model", Military Economic Research, 2016 (1).

  124.  Research on Technological Innovation in China's aviation Industry, Journal of Jinan University (Social Science Edition), 2 (2016).

  125.  "Learning by Doing, Pre-commitment and Optimal R&D Policy", Journal of East China University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition), 2016 (1).

  126.  "Comparative Analysis and Enlightenment of civil-Military Integration Development in Sino-US Aviation Industry", Military Economic Research, No.3, 2016.

  127.  "The Impact of the Surrounding Security Situation on China's Military Expenditure", Military Economic Research, No.5, 2016.

  128. 128. Evaluation of technological Innovation Efficiency in China's aviation Industry: Provincial panel data Analysis based on DEA Model, Military Economic Research, No.6, 2016.

  129.  "Military Expenditure Growth and International Oil Price Fluctuations in the Middle East", Military Economic Research, No.9, 2016.

  130.  "China's Military Assets Securitization and its Ideas and Countermeasures" was published in the "Hanjiang Forum Defense Economic Innovation and Development International Academic Conference and 2016 Military Economic Research Center Annual Conference Exchange Collection" published by Haichao Press.

  131.  "How to encourage R&D small and medium-sized enterprises to join the Army - Based on the research of Zhangjiang High-tech Park in Shanghai Pudong New Area", "Civil-Military Integration", issue 1, 2017.

  132.  Analysis on the construction of Science and Technology intermediary service System under the New Normal, China University Science and Technology, 2016, No. 11.

  133.  "Comparative Advantages, Existing Problems and Solutions of China's Arms Export", Military Economic Research, No.11, 2016.

  134.  "The characteristics and driving patterns of Military-civilian Collaborative Innovation Network", Military Economic Research, No. 12, 2016, by the Communist Party of China Central Party School Publishing House, the Communist Party of China Central Party School, the Reference of Party and Government Cadres (academic), No. 4, 2017.

  135.  "Organization Legalization Strategy of transnational operation of Military Enterprises: the Perspective of Institutional Environment", Military Economic Research, No.1, 2017.

  136.  "Ideas and Countermeasures of Military Assets Securitization in the New Era", "Civil-Military Integration", No.5, 2017.

  137.  The Imbalance between Economic Construction and National Defense Construction of the Soviet Union and its Enlightenment was included in the book Scientific Connotation and Realization of the Chinese Dream published by Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press in 2016.

  138.  Research on the Efficiency of civil-Military Cooperation Research and Development based on Mixed Ownership, Military Economic Research, No.6, 2017.

  139.  "Game Analysis of Military, Enterprises and third-party Regulators in the process of civilian Army", Shanghai Military-Civilian Integration, 2018 (2).

  140. "Rare Earth Resource response Strategy based on war scenario Assumption", Entrepreneur Daily (Economist Weekly), 2018-12-10.

  141.  "The role and System Construction of Financial support in the field of National Defense", Entrepreneur Daily (Economist Weekly), 2018-12-17.

  142.  "A Preliminary Study of Confucianism", edited by Zhang Xiaoxu, "Proceedings of 2016 Suzhou Confucian Academic Symposium".

  143. Analysis of Entry Barriers to civil-Military Integration in China's Aerospace Industry, Shanghai Civil-Military Integration, 2018 (3).

  144. Study on the Management Mode of National Defense Intellectual Property from the Perspective of Civil-Military Integration, Shanghai Civil-Military Integration, No. 2, 2019.

  145.  "Analysis of Regional Innovation Efficiency and Influencing Factors of China's Military-Civilian Integration" -- A stochastic Frontier panel data model based on the perspective of civilian army, Shanghai Economic Research, No.9, 2019.

  146.  "Innovation Heterogeneity, Government Subsidies and Innovation Development of military-civilian integration Enterprises", Journal of Beijing University of Technology (Social Science Edition), No. 1, 2021.

  147.  "Research on Influencing Factors of Productive Service Participation in Equipment Manufacturing Industry", Military Economic Research, No.2, 2022.

Publication of works

1. Introduction to the Famous Works of Western Philosophy (Volume 1), in which Liu Shiquan, Chen Xiaohe and Liu Kesu were responsible for writing Leibniz's A New Treatise on Human Reason, East China Normal University Press, 1988.

2. The Opium War and Modern Chinese Society, written by Chen Xiaohe in charge of "The Emergence of the Idea of Seeing the World with Open Eyes during the Opium War", Hohai University Press, 1991.

3. Scientific Worldview and Methodology, Gullu, Pan Chunbao, Lin Ronglin and Chen Xiaohe, Ocean Press, 1992.

4. The Flaming Party Flag, Wang Haidong and Chen Xiaohe, Haichao Publishing House, 1993.

5. Introduction to the People's Armed Work, Wang Yuanjun and Chen Xiaohe, Military Yiwen Publishing House, 1994.

6. "National Defense Education Theory Course", Cao Zhiying and Chen Xiaohe, Naval Command College, 1994.

7. Introduction to the Methodology of Dialectical Materialism, Pan Chunbao, Chen Xiaohe and Lin Ronglin, Military Yiwen Publishing House, 1995.

8. Introduction to Military Dialectics, Lin Ronglin, Chen Xiaohe and Pan Chunbao, Military Yiwen Publishing House, 1995.

9. Research on National Defense Education and National Defense Construction in the New Era, Wang Yuanjun and Chen Xiaohe, Naval Command College, 1996.

10. Outline of National Defense Education, Chen Xiaohe, Lin Ronglin, Pan Chunbao, Southeast University Press, 1998.

11. Introduction to China's Coastal Defense, Wang Yuanjun and Chen Xiaohe, Naval Command College, 1998.

12. Ten Military Strategists, Chen Xiaohe and Chen Xun, Nanjing University Press, 1998.

13. Theory and Practice of People's Armed Work in the New Era, Wang Yuanjun and Chen Xiaohe, Military Yiwen Publishing House, 1999.

14. Handbook of the Young Navy, Xie Xiaolin and Chen Xiaohe, Academy Publishing House, 2002.

15. Research on China's National Defense Economic Security, Chen Xiaohe, Ping Yang, Xu Qian, Feng Yan, Liu Bo, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, 2009.

16. National Defense Economy and National Defense Security, Chen Xiaohe, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, 2011.

17. Research on Foreign National Defense Economic Security, Chen Xiaohe, Central Compilation Publishing House, 2012.

18. Comparative Study on National Defense Economic Security between China and Foreign Countries, Chen Xiaohe, Li Yang, Ping Yang, China National Compilation Publishing House, 2012.

19. The Impact of Policies and Regulations on the Development of Civil Aircraft Industry, Chen Xiaohe and Chen Yingchun, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2013.

20. Dashihai Economy Volume, edited by Tan Min, and written by Chen Xiaohe in charge of 213 entries on national defense Economy, Shanghai Lexicography Publishing House, 2015.

21 Shanghai City Annals, Science Branch Annals, Humanities and Social Sciences, 1978-2010, participated in editing, responsible for the introduction of National Defense Economics, Shanghai People's Publishing House, December 2021 edition.

Social part-time job

Director of Jiangsu Provincial Philosophical Society, Deputy Director General of PLA Military Economic Research Center, Editorial Board member of Military Economic Research, Visiting researcher of Defense and Military Economic Research Center of PLA Logistics College, director of the Military-Civilian Integration Sub-committee of China Society of Technical Economics, chief expert on the construction of Humanities and Social Science Innovation Cooperation Body of Yangtze River Education Innovation Belt, Technology of Shanghai Aeronautical Society Deputy Director of the Economic Professional Committee, Director of the Theoretical Research Institute of Shanghai Military-Civilian Integration Development Research Institute, chief expert of the Yangtze River Delta and Yangtze River Economic Belt Development Research Institute, consultant of Shanghai Decision Consulting Co., LTD., professor of Shanghai Zheng He Research Center, expert of "Pudong New Area Science and Technology Committee Expert Database", specialized in Medical Logistics Management (professional) of Shanghai Medical Equipment College Management Department Member of the industry Steering Committee, adjunct professor of the Department of Political Science and Law, Anqing Normal University, Executive Director of the Expert Committee of Shanghai Aerospace Science and Technology Industry Development Center, Beijing Shenfei Aerospace Application Technology Research Institute, visiting professor of Xinhua College in Anhui Province.