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Caixia Chen

Caixia Chen 



Research Fields and Directions: Applied Linguistics, Higher Education Management

Education Background

1994 Bachelor's Degree, Shanghai Normal University

2005 Master's Degree in Specialized Field, Shihezi University

Work Experience

July 1983 - July 1996 English Teacher at the Middle School Attached to the 8th Cotton Mill in Shihezi

July 1996 - May 2017 College English Teaching and Management at Shihezi University

Currently teaching College English for undergraduates at the School of Humanities and Sciences, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Karamay Campus

Awards Received

Third Prize of the 5th Autonomous Region Teaching Achievement Award (2009)

First Prize of Shihezi University's Teaching Achievement Award (2010)

First Prize of Shihezi University's Teaching Achievement Award (2008)

Excellent Instructor Award (First Prize) for the National College English Competition (2013)

Excellent Instructor Award (Special Prize) for the National College English Competition (2014)


[1] Autonomous Region Teaching Master

[2] National Baosteel Excellent Teacher Award

[3] Shihezi University Teaching Master

[4] Vice President of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Foreign Language Teaching Research Association

[5] Served as the project leader for the provincial-level excellent course "College English" and the leader of the "College English" teaching team, responsible for the construction of the educational ministry's college English teaching reform demonstration site, college English teaching team, and excellent courses. As an expert for the National Training Plan, she has undertaken the training of English teachers in primary and secondary schools in the Corps.

[6] Published 2 translated works; edited (or co-edited) 4 textbooks; published 5 research papers.

Research Projects Hosted

[1] Research on the Current Status and Development Strategies of Teacher Training in Primary and Secondary Schools in Xinjiang, National Basic Education Experimental Center for Foreign Language Education Research, Second Principal Investigator

[2] Research on the Performance Standards of Educational Information Technology for College English Teachers, Key Project of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" for Educational Science in the Autonomous Region, Ranked Second

[3] 2 teaching reform projects of Shihezi University (Research on College English Oral Test Methods; Research and Practice on the Evaluation System and Test Bank Construction of College English Courses)

[4] 1 project of the Philosophy and Social Sciences Development Plan of Shihezi University (Research and Practice on Postgraduate English Teaching Reform from the Perspective of Blended Learning)

[5] 2 postgraduate education and teaching reform projects of Shihezi University (Network Learning Courseware for Non-English Major Postgraduate English Writing and Translation Textbook (Writing Section); Construction of Postgraduate English Major Platform)