News & Events


Shoutong Zhang

Zhang Shoutong, 


associate professor, 

master's tutor


Educational experience

1996.09-2000.07, Bachelor's degree from Qingdao Institute of Chemical Technology

2001.09-2006.07, direct doctorate from Dalian University of Technology

Work experience

2006-2011 Lecturer of Dalian Jiaotong University

2011-2023 Associate Professor and Master's Supervisor of Dalian Jiaotong University

2008-2012 Postdoctoral Mobile Station of Dalian University of Technology Postdoctoral

2016-2017 Visiting Scholar, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA

2023.08-present Associate Professor and Master's Supervisor, Karamay Campus, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

Teaching courses

1. Water pollution control project

2. Environmental chemistry

3. Environmental planning and management

Research direction

1. "Three Wastes" governance and resourceization

2. Ecological restoration of oil pollution

Research project

1. Dalian 2020 Sewage Permit Registration and Issuing Project, Dalian Ecological Environment Bureau, presided over

2. Dalian Ozone Depletion Layer Substance Management Long-term Mechanism Research Project, Dalian Ecological Environment Bureau, presided over

3. Dalian 2016-2017 Carbon Emissions Verification, Dalian Development and Reform Commission, presided over

4. Dalian's Second National Pollution Source Census, Dalian Ecological Environment Bureau, presided over

5. National key research and development plan project "typical petrochemical wastewater physical method treatment prototype research and engineering device technology research" sub-topic "swirl collaborative anaerobic- aerobic film biological reaction experimental device" design and processing, presided over

6. Enterprise VOCs governance project, host

7. Enterprise cleaner production audit consultation, host

8. Enterprise green manufacturing third-party consultation, host

9. Research on process control and functional flora of membrane aeration separation single-stage autonoutive denitrification bioreactor, National Natural Science Foundation of China (21007006), presided over

10. Study on the purification properties and catalytic mechanism of the characteristic metabolic enzyme HZO of anaerobic ammonia oxidizing bacteria, National Natural Science Foundation of China

11. Investigation and establishment of Dalian volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emission inventory, Dalian Ecological Environment Bureau, presided over

12. Dalian ozone layer depleting substance (ODS) filing enterprise third-party verification, Dalian Ecological Environment Bureau, host

13. Wafangdian Ecological Environment "13th Five-Year Plan", Wafangdian Ecological Environment Bureau, presided over

14. Preparation of the river standard program of Wafangdian City, presided over by the Ecological Environment Bureau of Wafangdian City

15. Changchun Rail Bus Co., Ltd. New Factory Sewage Treatment Station (2000t/d) Construction Research and Construction Design, Host

16. Qiqihar Rail Transit Equipment Co., Ltd. (Qiche) Hydraulic Sand Clearing Wastewater Treatment and Resource Research, presided over

17. Research on waste magnetic suspension and paint wastewater treatment of Qiqihar Rail Transit Equipment Co., Ltd., presided over

18. Feasibility study of sewage treatment and water reuse of Qiqihar Rail Transit Equipment Co., Ltd., presided over

19. Feasibility study on flue gas treatment of coal-fired boilers of Qiqihar Rail Transit Equipment Co., Ltd., presided over

Representative papers

1. Zhang Shoutong, etc. Comprehensive control and restoration plan for small and medium-sized river pollution in rural areas in the north - Take the Antarctic River in Liaodong Peninsula as an example [J]. Environmental Ecology, 2021,3(04):73-75.

2. Li Zhuxin, Zhang Shoutong, Li Yang, Yan Song. Preliminary purification of diamine oxidase and the effect of quinone compounds on their activity [J]. Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 2021,61(02):136-142.

3. Zhang Shoutong, etc. Suggestions on the implementation of "sponge city construction" [J]. Environmental Science and Management, 2019, 44(05):23-25.

4. Zhang Shoutong, etc. The best feasible technology for the treatment of exhaust gas in the coating of rail transit equipment [C]//. Proceedings of the High-level Forum on Rail Transit Equipment Technology. 2020:208-214.

5. Zhang Shoutong, etc. Effect of membrane aeration and biological carrier on the performance of single-stage autonutive nitrogen removal reactor [J]. Journal of Dalian Jiaotong University, 2015, 36(06):89-92.

6. Zhang Shoutong, etc. Problems and analysis in the start-up of a single-stage autonative denitrification membrane bioreactor [J]. Journal of Dalian Jiaotong University, 2014, 35(01):97-99.

Major achievements (patents and awards, etc.)

1. Utility model patent 202120664783.9 A grading desorption system for adsorption of volatile organic zeolite

2. Sewage treatment device for inclined plate anaerobic folding plate, utility model patent (CN201240935Y)

3. Internal circulation nitrogen removal membrane bioreactor sewage treatment device, utility model patent (2010201114098)

4. Garbage leachate treatment device, utility model patent (200920282299.9)

5. Support for the Growth Plan of Outstanding Young Scholars in Colleges and Universities in Liaoning Province (LJQ2011049), 2011

6. Comprehensive treatment technology of hazardous waste liquid in the rail transit equipment industry, third prize for scientific and technological progress in Dalian, person in charge, 2014