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Jingfu Yan

Yan Jingfu, 


TEL:0990-6633327                       E-mail: ccyjf@163.com

Educational experience:

In July 2001, Changchun University of Technology with a bachelor's degree in applied electronic technology. 

In July 2007,   Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences witha doctorate in signal and information processing. 

Main research directions :

 production dynamic logging methods, signal detection and processing technology, etc. I

n recent years, he has presided over or participated in 7 scientific research projects such as the Beijing Youth Talent Fund, the National Nature Fund, the National Science and Technology Major Project, the National Major Research Equipment Research and Development, 6 projects commissioned by enterprises, and published more than 10 papers in journals and conferences at home and abroad.


1. Jingfu Yan, Dejun Liu, Xing Cheng. Transceiver Circuit Design Based on OFDM Technology for Well-logging Cable Telemetry System, Proceedings International Conference on Electronics Information and Emergency Communication, Vol 1: 368-371.

2. Jingfu Yan. The Study on Zigbee Wireless Sensor Networks Tree Routing and Distributed Addresses Assignment Mechanisms, International Core Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Index, vol.2:126-128, No.6 2012.

3. Zhang Kuo, Wu Xiling, Yan Jingfu. An electric-based dual-mode tomography system for interpretion on two-phase flow in oil wells, Interpretation-A Journal of Subsurface Characterization, Vol. 5, No. 2, P259-264, 2017.

4. Zhang Kuo, Wu Xiling, Yan Jingfu, Cai Jiatie. Applied geophysics. Electromagnetic holographic sensitivity field of two-phase flow in horizontal wells, Vol.14, No.1,P.40-48. 2017.

5. Jingfu Yan, Shubin Wang. The Design and Implementation of Dynamometer Based on Zigbee Technology, Proceedings of International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications(iTAP2012), Vol 2: 273-276.

Get rewards:

1. The First Prize of the Sixth Excellent Teaching Achievements of China University of Petroleum (Beijing);

2. Second prize of the 7th Excellent Teaching Achievements of China University of Petroleum (Beijing);

3. Best Instructor Award of the 9th National Information Technology Application Level Competition;

4. China University of Petroleum (Beijing) 2015 "Outstanding Internship Instructor" Award;

5. China University of Petroleum (Beijing) 2014-2016 "Outstanding Teacher" Award.