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Zengming Wang

Zengmin Wang王增民


Associate Professor

Department: Department of Economics and Finance

Research fields and directions: Quantitative economy, Applied Economy, Big Data Analysis and Finance, Finance and Finance

Email: wangzengmin@vip.sina.com

Education and research experience

From September 1982 to July 1986, majored in Mathematics at Northeast Forestry University

September 1993 - April 1996 Master of Economic Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology

September 2010 - September 2011 Visiting Scholar of Business at Virginia Tech University

Work experience

July 1986 - September 1993 Teacher, School of Economics and Management, Northeast Forestry University

April 1996 - present Teacher, School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Course teaching

Econometrics; Econometrics and Eviews application; Advanced econometrics; Accounting computerization; Big Data Analytics and financial decisions.

Scientific research project

Lead or participate in the following research projects:

1. Research on statistical index forecasting and early warning management of China Netcom Group Corporation. International Business Cooperation Project (Partner company: SAS Institute Co., Ltd)

2. Research on the compilation of China's supply and use table. National Bureau of Statistics project

3. Research on service effect of information service industry. National Bureau of Statistics project

4. Empirical research on the mechanism and correlation structure model of regulatory governance, regulatory incentives and regulatory performance. National Natural Science Foundation Project

5. Research on fair value information risk and decision usefulness. National Natural Science Foundation Project

6. Research on the intrinsic characteristics, economic consequences and management countermeasures of share repurchase of listed companies. National Natural Science Foundation Project

7. Research and implementation of enterprise information data analysis and cloud computing support platform. Ministry of Education project

8. Research on the development strategy of rural communication and rural informatization in China. Ministry of Information Industry Project

9. Service recovery and retail productivity: a model and efficiency study. Ministry of Education project