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Xiaoling Chen

Chen Xiaoling,


associate professor, 

master's supervisor. 

TEL:0990-6633343                          E-mailcxling612@cup.edu.cn

Educational experience:

Graduated from Central South University in 2005 with a bachelor's degree in thermal energy and power engineering, 

 received a doctorate in mechanical engineering in 2013 from the University of Newcastle, Australia. 

 Main research direction :

bulk material transportation, gas-solid two-phase flow numerical simulation, etc.


[1] X.L. Chen, C.A. Wheeler, T.J. Donohue, R. McLean and A.W. Roberts. Evaluation of dust emissions from conveyor transfer chutes using experimental and CFD simulation. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2012. 110–111(0): p. 101-108. 

[2] X.L. Chen, C.A. Wheeler, T.J. Donohue, A.W. Roberts and M.G. Jones. Prediction Dust Emissions from Belt Conveyor Transfer Chutes. Bulk Solids Handling, 2012, p.44-49. 

[3] X.L. Chen and C.A. Wheeler. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modelling of Transfer Chutes: A Study of the Influence of Model Parameters. Chemical Engineering Science, 2013.95, p.194–202. 

[4] X.L. Chen and C.A. Wheeler. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling of transfer chutes: Assessment of viscosity, drag and turbulence models. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2015, 3. 

[5] X.L. Chen, C.A. Wheeler, T.J. Donohue and A.W. Roberts, Investigation of Belt Conveyor Transfer Chute Configurations to Reduce Dust Generation using CFD Modelling, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2010, 26-28:pp. 1126-1131. 

[6] X.L. Chen, C.A. Wheeler and A.W. Roberts, Experimental Validation of the Simulation of Multiphase Flow in Conveyor Transfer Chute using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). 7th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids, 2012, Friedrichshafen, Germany. 

[7] X.L. Chen, B. Chen, T.J. Donohue, C.A. Wheeler and A.W. Roberts. Analysis of Passive Dust Control in Transfer Chutes using Computational Techniques. International Conference for Logistics Engineering 2012, Fuzhou, China.

[8] C.A. Wheeler, X.L. Chen, T.J. Donohue and A.W. Roberts. Modelling Dust Emission from Belt Conveyor Transfer Chutes. In Bulk Solids India 2012. India.

[9] C. Goniva, C. Kloss, X.L. Chen, T. J. Donohue, A. Katterfeld. Prediction of Dust Emissions in Transfer Chutes by Multiphase CFD and Coupled DEM-CFD Simulations. In Bulk Solids Europe 2012. Berlin, Germany.

[10] A. Potapov, X.L. Chen, T.J. Donohue and C.A. Wheeler. Computer Simulation of Airflow around Transfer Chutes via Linked Discrete Element Method - Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach. 11th International Congress on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling and Transportation 2013, Newcastle, Australia. EI 

[11] T.J. Donohue, C.A. Wheeler, A.W. Roberts, X.L. Chen and A. Katterfeld. Methods for the Characterization and Control of Dust in Materials Handling Applications with a Specific Focus on Passive Dust Control in Transfer Chutes. In L.B. Wouters and M. Pauwels Editor. Dust: Sources, Environmental Concerns and Control. 2012, 99-142.