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Hualong Yu

Yu Hualong, 26698_500x500

associate professor, 

master's supervisor.

TEL:0990-6633328      Email: yuhualong@cup.edu.cn

Educational experience:

 obtained a bachelor's degree from the Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science of Peking University in 1997,

 a master's degree from the Institute of Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2000, 

 a doctorate in mechanical engineering from Northwestern University in 2012. 

Main research directions:

tribology, surface mechanical properties of materials, molecular dynamics calculation, etc.


1.     Yu, H., Li, Z. Jiang, B., Poldneff, M., Burkhart, C., Liu, W. K., Wang, Q.,(2015) “Determination of the Viscoelastic Interfacial Properties between Silica and SNR-Based Materials via a Semi-Empirical Approach”, Mechanics of Materials, (80)1-12.

2.     Yu, H., Li, Z. and Wang, Q., (2013) " Viscoelastic-adhesive contact modeling: Application to the characterization of the viscoelastic behavior of materials," Mechanics of Materials, (60): 55–65,

3.     Yu, H., Liu, S., Wang, Q., Chung, and YW. (2004). "Influence of Temperature-Dependent Yield Strength on Thermo mechanical Asperity Contacts," Tribology Letters, 17(2): 155-164.

4.     Liu, P., Yu, H., Ren, N. Lockwood, FE and Wang, Q., (2014) “Pressure-Viscosity Coefficient of Hydrocarbon Base Oil through Molecular Dynamics Simulations”, Tribology Letters, 2015, 60(3): 1-9.

5.     Li, Z., Yu, H., and Wang, Q. (2013) “Contact Creep Behavior of Polydimethylsiloxane and Influence of Load, Tip size and Crosslink Density,” Tribology Letters, (49)1: 291-299.

6.     Li, Z., Yu, H., Jiang, B., Poldneff, M., Burkhart, C., Liu, WK, Wang, Q. (2013) “Interfacial Properties of Carbon-Rubber Interfaces Investigated via Indentation Pull-out Tests and JKR Theory,” Tribology Letters, (52)1: 155-161.

7.     Yu, C., Yu, H., Liu, G., He, B., Chen, W., Wang, Q., (2014) “Understanding Topographic-Dependence of Friction with Micro-and Nano Grooved Surfaces,” Tribology Letters, (53)1: 145-156.

8.     Karpov EG, Yu H., Park HS, Liu, WK. and Wang Q. (2006). "Multiscale Boundary Conditions in Crystalline Solids: Theory and Application to Nanoindentation." International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43(21): 6359-6379.