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Qinghui Dai

Qinghui Dai dqhxg



Department: Accounting Department

Research Fields and Directions: Management Accounting; Project Management; Strategic Management; Operations Management; Industrial Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Innovative Technologies and Applications; New Energy Technologies and Equipment


Education and Research Experience

October 1978 - July 1982: Bachelor's Degree at North China Electric Power University

October 1985 - November 1987: Master's Degree at North China Electric Power University

Work Experience

July 1982 - October 1988: Assistant Instructor at North China Electric Power University

November 1988 - June 1994: Lecturer/Deputy Director of Department at North China Electric Power University

June 1994 - December 1999: Associate Professor/Director of Department at North China Electric Power University

December 1999 - August 2001: Professor/Head of Specialty/Graduate Advisor at North China Electric Power University

September 2001 - August 2009: Professor/Head of Specialty/Graduate Advisor/School Supervisor at North China Electric Power University

September 2009 - August 2017: Professor/Head of Specialty/Graduate Advisor/Head of School Supervisory Group at North China Electric Power University

September 2017 - August 2020: Professor/Head of School Supervisory Group at North China Electric Power University

September 2020 - Present: Professor/School Supervisor at China University of Petroleum

Honors and Awards

  1. Received the "Hebei Provincial Teaching Master Award" in 2009.

  2. Received the "Hebei Provincial Excellent Teacher Award" in 1997.

  3. Received the "Hebei Provincial 'Three-Education' Model Award" in 1996.

  4. Won the first prize of the "First Youth Teacher Teaching Competition" (the highest award) at North China Electric Power University in 1991.

  5. Named one of the "Top Ten Excellent Young Teachers in Teaching" at North China Electric Power University in 1998.

  6. Received the "First Teaching Excellence Award" at North China Electric Power University in 2008.

  7. The project "Research and Practice of Modernized Teaching in Mechanical System Design" won the third prize of Hebei Provincial Teaching Achievement Award in 2000, ranking first.

  8. The project "Innovation and Practice of Professional Course Teaching" won the second prize of Hebei Provincial Teaching Achievement Award in 2002, ranking first.

  9. The project "Three Focuses of Innovative Talents Training" won the third prize of Hebei Provincial Teaching Achievement Award in 2012, ranking first.

  10. The project "Energy-saving Speed Control Device for Large Pumps and Fans in Thermal Power Plants" won the first prize of Excellent Graduation Design Award in Water Conservancy and Electric Power Machinery Majors of the Ministry of Energy in 1990, ranking first.

  11. Guided a graduate student's master's thesis "Development of Computer-Aided Innovation Platform," which won the "Hebei Provincial Excellent Master's Thesis" in 2008, ranking first.

  12. Guided the student's "HuaKe New Energy Co., Ltd. Business Plan" which won the Special Prize of Hebei Provincial College Student Entrepreneurship Plan Competition and the Silver Prize of the National College Student Entrepreneurship Plan Competition in 2010, ranking third.

  13. The project "Guidelines for Classification and Coding of Power Station Equipment Spare Parts" won the third prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Electric Power in 1997, ranking third.

  14. The project "Development and Research of ASP-based Innovation Support System" won the third prize of Hebei Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award in 2007, ranking first.

  15. The project "Research and Practice of Talent Training System for Mechanical Specialties with Industry Characteristics" won the second prize of Hebei Provincial Teaching Achievement Award in 2017, ranking fourth.

Course Instruction

  1. Main undergraduate courses: Project Management, Strategic Management, Operations Management, Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Advanced Design Systems, Electric Power Machinery, Innovative Thinking and Methods, etc.

  2. Main graduate courses: Modern Industrial Engineering, Technology Strategy and Innovation, Modern Design Theory and Methods, Innovative Design, etc.

  3. As the head of a provincial excellent course, the "Mechanical System Design" course I taught in 2003 was awarded the "Excellent Course of Hebei Province." In 2007, the "Mechanical System Design" course I taught was once again awarded the "Excellent Course of Hebei Province."

  4. As the founder of the "Industrial Engineering" discipline at North China Electric Power University, I have been the academic leader of the master's program in Industrial Engineering and the director of the Industrial Engineering program for 17 years.

  5. As the academic leader of the master's program in "Mechanical Engineering First-level Discipline" at North China Electric Power University, I served as the director of the Mechanical Design program for 10 years.

  6. As a graduate supervisor, I have mentored and guided nearly a hundred students in Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering programs over the past 23 years from 1998 to 2021.

Research Projects

  1. Participated in the "New Liberal Arts" construction project of the Ministry of Education, focusing on the reconstruction and practice of the talent cultivation system for the accounting major with characteristics in the oil and gas industry in the digital intelligence era, starting in 2021.

  2. Hosted the compilation of the national excellent textbook "Advanced Manufacturing Systems" (Third Edition) published by China Machine Press.

  3. Granted a national invention patent in 2012: "Multi-energy Combined Power Generation Device" with patent number 200810055508.6, ranking first.

  4. Granted a national invention patent in 2012: "A Traffic Rolling Power Generation Device" with patent number 201010228054.5, ranking first.

  5. Granted a national invention patent in 2019: "An All-weather Combined Wind-Solar-Pressure Power Generation Device" with patent number CN104847589B, ranking first.

Representative Publications:

  1. Dai Qinghui. A Study on Distributed Loads of Threads in the Wedge Grip Pawl. International Academic Publishers, November 1996.

  2. Dai Qinghui. The Past, Present, and Future of Design Engineering Technique. China Machine Press, October 1998.

  3. Dai Qinghui. Research on the Wrong Range of Creative Design. China Machine Press, November 2000.

  4. Dai Qinghui. On Advanced Design Technology. China Mechanical Engineering, August 1999.

  5. Dai Qinghui et al. The Framework of Computer-Aided Product Innovation Integration Tools. Mechanical Design, May 2003.

  6. Dai Qinghui. The Impact of Evaluation Methods on the Conclusion of Design Scheme Evaluation. Mechanical Design (Core Journal), September 2002.

  7. Dai Qinghui. On Flexible Thinking. Invention and Innovation, January 2003.

  8. Dai Qinghui. A New Method for Seeking Specific Solutions to TRIZ Problems. Journal of Mechanical Design and Research, Vol. 22, No. 5 (Core Journal), October 2006.

  9. Dai Qinghui. Innovative Design of the Driving Mechanism of a New Type of Hydraulic Jack. Journal of Mechanical Design and Research, Vol. 22, No. 6 (Core Journal), December 2006.

  10. Dai Qinghui. Research and Development of the Innovation Support System Based on Information Technology. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, China Machine Press. September 2006. Indexed by ISTP.

  11. Dai Qinghui. On the Relation of Manufacturing System, Manufacturing Mode, and Manufacturing Technology. Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Technology and Innovation, IET Publications, UK, November 2006. Indexed by EI, ISTP, and INSPEC.

  12. Dai Qinghui et al. Pre-control Management System for Hazardous Points in Power Supply Enterprises. Automation of Electric Power Systems, Vol. 31, No. 1 (Core Journal). Indexed in EI CD-ROM: 071110487439.

  13. Dai Qinghui et al. Human-oriented Engineering: A New Branch of Industrial Engineering. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering. Indexed by ISTP.

  14. Dai Qinghui et al. Improving the Efficiency of Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation in Several Important Ways. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Technology and Innovation (ITIC 2009), IET Publications, UK. Indexed in EI CD-ROM: 20103513191704.

  15. Dai Qinghui et al. Development and Application of Dangerous Point Pre-control Management System for Thermal Power Construction. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM 2011). Indexed in EI CD-ROM: 20113814350394.

  16. Dai Qinghui et al. Systematic Analysis of the Construction of Basic Shared Technology for Modern Enterprise. Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. Indexed in EI CD-ROM: 20114514486764.

  17. Dai Qinghui et al. A New Method for Determining the Ideal Degree Using TRIZ Contradiction Matrix. Journal of Mechanical Design and Research (Core Journal), June 2012.

  18. Dai Qinghui et al. On the Qualities and Cultivation of Entrepreneurial Talents. Awarded the National "Top Ten Excellent Papers" by the China Talent Research Association at the China Talent Research Outstanding Contribution Award Recognition Conference in December 2009.

  19. Dai Qinghui. How to Teach Well Under the New Situation. Collected Papers of the 4th Machinery Course Report Forum 2009 (Nanjing), Higher Education Press, ISBN 978-7-04-013979-2. Awarded the National "Top Ten Excellent Papers" in May 2010.

  20. Dai Qinghui. The Essence of Mechanical Quality Course Construction Lies in Innovation. Collected Papers of the 1st National Machinery Course Report Forum 2006 (Wuhan), Higher Education Press. Awarded the National "Top Ten Excellent Papers" in May 2009.

Social Part-time Jobs

  1. Council member of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineering.

  2. Council member of the National Committee for Modern Design Theory and Methods.

  3. Committee member of the National Teaching Committee for Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Disciplines in Colleges and Universities.

  4. Key Discipline Evaluation Expert of Hebei Province.

  5. Science and Technology Award Evaluation Expert of Hebei Province.

  6. Science and Technology Award Evaluation Expert of Henan Province.

  7. Science and Technology Award Evaluation Expert of Shandong Province.

  8. Science and Technology Award Evaluation Expert of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

  9. Science and Technology Award Evaluation Expert of Tianjin City.

  10. Science and Technology Award Evaluation Expert of Beijing City.

  11. Science and Technology Award Evaluation Expert of the Ministry of Education.

  12. Evaluation Expert for National Quality Courses.

  13. National Science and Technology Award Evaluation Expert.

  14. Evaluation Expert for the National Professional Degree Evaluation of the Ministry of Education.

  15. Evaluation Expert for Doctoral and Master's Degree Theses of the Degree Center of the Ministry of Education.

  16. Expert in the Expert Evaluation Database of Karamay City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.