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Bing Hou

Hou Bing20180307111723345429

Title: Associate Professor/Doctoral Supervisor

Education and work experience:

1998-2002 Undergraduate of Liaoning University of Petroleum and Chemical Technology

2003-2006 Postgraduate of China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

2006-2009 PhD student, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

2009-2013 China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Teacher

2010-2011 University of Oklahoma Postdoctoral

Hired as a master's tutor of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in 2012

2013-2018 Associate Researcher, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

In 2017, he was hired as a doctoral supervisor of China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

2019.7-present Professor of China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

Personal homepage:

Email: binghou@vip.163.com

Tel: 010-89732165

Department: Department of Oil and Gas Well Engineering

Research direction: petroleum engineering rock mechanics, hydraulic fracturing, well wall stability, wellbore integrity, etc.

Teaching course: Undergraduate courses "Rock Mechanics of Petroleum Engineering", 

postgraduate courses "Continuous Medium Mechanics" and "Drill Engineering"


(I) Journal papers:

[1] Analysis of hydraulic fracture initiation and propagation in deep shale formation with high horizontal stress di?erence. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 170:231-243. (SCI/EI)

[2] Investigation of acid fracturing treatment in limestone formation bast on true tri-axial experiment. Fuel, 2019, 235:473-484. (SCI/EI)

[3] Characteristics of fracture propagation in compact limestone formation byhydraulic fracturing in central Sichuan, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2018, 57:122-134.(SCI/EI)

[4] Hydraulic Fracturing Initiation and Near-wellbore Nonplanar Propagation from Horizontal Perforated Boreholes in Tight Formation. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2018, 55:337-349.(SCI/EI)

[5] An experimental investigation of geomechanical properties of deep tight gas reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2017, 47:22-33. (SCI/EI)

[6] Prediction of Wellbore Stability in Conglomerate Formation Using Discrete Element Method. Arabian Journal for Science And Engineering, 2017, 42:1609-1619. (SCI/EI)

[7] Experimental investigation on fracture initiation and nonplanar propagation of hydraulic fractures in coal seams. Petroleum Exploration and development, 2017, 44(3): 1-6. (SCI)

[8] Analysis of hydraulic fracture initiation and vertical propagation behavior in laminated shale formation. Fuel, 2017, 206: 482-493. (SCI)

(II) Conference paper:

[1] Effect Of Critical Fracture Zone On Hydraulic Fracture Propagation With Variable Pump Rate In Shale Reservoir, ISRM Congress 2015 Proceedings-13th Int’l Symposium on Rock Mechanics,2015.SPE-176325-MS. (EI)

[2] Prediction  Method of In-situ Stress in Non-isopachous Ultra-deep Composite Salt-gypsum Formation, SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, 20-22 October, Nusa, Indonesia, 2015.(EI)

[3] Optimum Condition of Hydraulic Fracture-Natural Fracture Interaction in Shale Block Experiments, 49th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 28 June-1 July, San Francisco, California,USA, 2015.(EI)

[4] Experimental Investigation on Fracture Geometry in Multi-stage Fracturing under Tri-axial Stresses, 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, 14-16 October 2014, Sapporo, Japan.

[5] An Investigation of Salt Rock Creeping Mechanics under Oil-Based Mud, Proceedings of the 3rd ISRM Young Scholars’ Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Xi’an, China from November 8-10,2014.(EI)