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Yuan Neng

Yuan Neng, 

School of Petroleum76778_500x500

PhD, Professor, PhD Supervisor. 

the president of Petroleum Institute, 

the vice president of Tianshan Research Institute, the director of China Petroleum Education Society, 

the deputy director of the Petroleum Geology Professional Committee of Xinjiang Petroleum Society, 

the high-level talents of the autonomous region,

 the Tianshan Talents of the autonomous region, 

 the academic tutor of AAPG (American Petroleum Geologists Association) student branch.

Educational experience:

Graduated from China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in 2005, majoring in Geological engineering;

He received his Ph. D. degree in Structural Geology from China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in 2010.

Research direction:

Structural modeling of ultra-deep complex structural belt

Structural analysis of petroliferous basin

Structural physics - numerical simulation

Work Experience:

From July 2010 to October 2012, he conducted postdoctoral research at the Postdoctoral Research Mobile Station of petrochina Tarim Oilfield Company.

From November 2012 to October 2017, he worked at the Research Institute of Exploration and Development of Tarim Oilfield Company.

In November 2017, he joined Karamay Campus of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) as a teacher. Head of the structural Geology course group. It mainly carries out the teaching of structural geology and the construction of foreland basin structural simulation laboratory.

During the period of work, he presided over or participated in 13 projects of the state, petrochina and the autonomous region, undertook 4 science and technology research projects of petrochina and Sinopec, won 9 provincial and ministerial awards and 2 bureau awards, published 40 papers, including 17 papers as the first author (corresponding author) and 6 papers included in SCI/EI.

Representative paper:

1.Yuan Neng ; Huiwen Xie; Hongwei Yin; Yong Li; Wei Wang, Effect of basement structure and salt tectonics on deformation styles along strike: An example from the Kuqa fold–thrust belt, West China , Tectonophysics, 2018, 730: 114~131.

2.Neng Yuan ; Yang Haijun; Deng Xingliang, Structural patterns of fault damage zones in carbonate rocks and their influences on petroleum accumulation in Tazhong Paleo-uplift, Tarim Basin, NW China , Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2018, 45(1): 43~54.

3.Neng, Yuan; Wu Guanghui; Huang Shaoying; Zhang Xing;Cao Shujuan, Formation stage and controlling factors of the paleo-uplifts in the Tarim Basin: A further discussion. Natural Gas Industry B, 2016. 3(3): p. 209-215.

Receive honors:

1. Won the first "Wang Tao Talent Scholarship" in November 2009.

2. In August 2012, he was awarded the Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellowship of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

3. Selected as high-level talents of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in December 2013

4. In January 2016, he was awarded the top ten scientific and technological innovators in Tarim Oilfield

5. Excellent Teacher of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in June 2020

6. In January 2020, he was selected into the Tianshan Talents of the autonomous Region

In June 2021, he was awarded the outstanding Communist Party Member of the Autonomous Region


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