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Studying Abroad in Karamay and Building Dreams on the Silk Road—International Students Visited Karamay Museum and the School History Exhibi..

From November 30 to December 2, 2023, Li Guanru, the counselor of the School of Arts and Sciences/College of Culture and Art, led our international students and student volunteers to visit Karamay Museum and the School History Exhibition Hall on campus to gain a deeper understanding of the historical heritage of the Oil City and the development process of our school.



The theme of this visit was "Studying abroad in the Oil City and building dreams on the Silk Road". At the Karamay Museum, the international students visited six exhibition halls, including the preface hall, the ancient mystery hall, the budding emergence hall, the hard work hall, the reform and development hall, and the new era exhibition hall. They browsed through photos, charts, physical objects, sand tables, and models from different periods of Karamay, and were deeply attracted by the derricks, drilling machines, and oil pumps used in the early stages of Karamay oilfield development displayed in the yard. During the visit, they learned about the development process of Karamay in various historical stages and were amazed by its rich resources and rapid development.



On the afternoon of December 2, the international students and volunteers visited the exhibition hall on the first floor of J2. With the explanation of the guide Gao Wenjin, they visited in detail the six major parts of the exhibition hall, including the Achievements in Running the School, Entrepreneurship, Exploration, Renewal, Development, and Take-off. This visit allowed the international students to gain a deeper understanding of the 70-year development history of our school, as well as the school's educational philosophy, discipline construction, and talent cultivation.

This visit not only allowed the international students to gain a deeper understanding of the history and culture of Karamay, the Oil City, but also inspired their love for the school and interest in Chinese culture. Especially when studying the contents of President Xi's reply letter to the Central Asian international students of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), the students were deeply inspired and expressed their determination to study hard and contribute to the construction of the China-Central Asia community with a shared future.

International students studying the contents of President Xi's reply letter


This event demonstrated our school's emphasis on international education and the cultivation of international students. In the future, our school will continue to strengthen international education, strive to improve the quality of international student training, and make greater contributions to the goal of realizing the China-Central Asia community with a shared future.