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CUPK and the United Nations Intellectual Property Organization Hold a Video Conference on the Cooperation of the New Patent Terminology Pro..

    On September 5th 2023, a video exchange meeting was held between the campus and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to discuss the cooperation of the new patent terminology project. Cristina Valentini, head of the Terminology Department of the Patent Cooperation Treaty Translation Division of WIPO, attended the meeting. Li Jun, Vice President of the campus, and heads of relevant functional departments and colleges also participated in the meeting. Associate Professor Qin Wenting from the School of Petroleum Engineering presided over the meeting and served as the interpreter.

                                        20230905WIPO合作会议 朱宏淇摄 (9)

At the meeting, Li Jun expressed his gratitude to WIPO for its trust on behalf of the campus. He said that with the support of WIPO, the campus had fully leveraged its disciplinary advantages, with the meticulous guidance of backbone teachers and the enthusiastic dedication of students from the Innovation Class of the Modern Industrial College of Digital Intelligence and Petroleum, successfully completing the first phase of the patent terminology project. As one of the only two universities in China selected as WIPO's global partners, the campus attached great importance to cooperation with WIPO and would fully support and guarantee the implementation of the new project. He hoped that both sides could strengthen exchanges, establish a long-term cooperation mechanism, and carry out practical cooperation in multiple fields to further promote the development of the global intellectual property cause.


Cristina Valentini, representing WIPO, expressed sincere gratitude to the teachers and students involved in the patent terminology project for their hard work and to the campus for its strong support. She said that the construction of an international patent terminology system required the joint efforts of experts from various fields and WIPO. She hoped that both sides could work closely together, leverage the campus's disciplinary and expert advantages, and complete the patent terminology project of this year with high quality. She looked forward to expanding cooperation in new areas around the management and safeguarding of the international patent system.

Later, both sides conducted in-depth exchanges on workload, disciplines, training and guidance, schedule, and next steps of cooperation, and reached a consensus on follow-up cooperation matters.