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School of Engineering


  • The faculty of engineering, China university of petroleum-Beijing at Karamay was established on the basis of the school of chemical engineering and the school of mechanical and transportation engineering of China university of petroleum (Beijing). The school of chemical engineering was formerly the department of chemical engineering of tsinghua university. The predecessor of the college of mechanical and transportation engineering was the department of mechanical engineering of Beijing institute of petroleum founded in 1953.

  • At present, the school of engineering has 1 state key laboratory of "heavy oil", 2 state key disciplines, 3 post-doctoral mobile stations, 2 first-level disciplines authorized for doctor's degree, 6 disciplines authorized for doctor's degree, 14 disciplines authorized for master's degree and 4 undergraduate majors. Engineering with cheung kong scholars program distinguished professor 2 people, winner of national outstanding youth fund 5 people, the national key basic research development program (973 program) project's chief scientist, 2 people, 1 national excellent teaching team, the national excellent teacher 2 people, 5 provincial teaching masters, 1 discipline appraisal group members by the academic degrees committee under the state council.

Facts and Staff

  • The college has four departments.A total of four departments are the Department of Chemical Industry and Environment Storage and automation, the Department of machinery and process, 9 majors and nine majors. The college now has 38 staff members, including 23 full-time teachers, 11 auxiliary teachers and 4 administrative staff. Among the full-time teachers, 82.6% have doctoral degrees, including 4 professors, 1 researcher, 7 associate professors, 8 lecturers, 1 assistant researcher and 4 senior engineers. At present, the college has 520 undergraduate students, including 230 students from grade 16 and 290 students from grade 17.

  •  Will uphold the tradition of Beijing school cadre advantage, college of engineering practice of campus personnel training, scientific research and social service concept, strengthening with famous universities at home and abroad, the local government as well as exchanges and cooperation in a wide range of industries, efforts to build up the college talent training quality is high, the high level of scientific research, social service ability, characteristic of the domestic first-class school.


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