2000.09-2005.06 内蒙古师范大学英语专业,学士
2007.04--2008.03 日本东京外国语大学外国语学科,英语专业(研修生)
2008.04-2010.03 日本大东文化大学英语学专业,硕士
2010.04-2015.03 日本大东文化大学英语学专业,博士
2005.09-2007.03 内蒙古呼和浩特市民族学院担任英语教师
2010.05-2015.04 日本3Pro公司担任英语及日语网络顾问
2012.04-2013.07 英国伦敦大学历史研究院担任研究员
2015.05-2016.10 日本戴尔公司担任英语培训导师兼网络顾问
2016.11-2018.02 日本NTT Data 公司担任入职培训导师
1. 《大学英语I-IV》
2. 《日语入门I-II》
3. 《中级日语》
4. 《综合英语I》
5. 《英语视听说II-III》
5. 《英语文学》
6. 《学术英语》
7. 《克拉玛依文化(双语)》
8. 《散文阅读》
9. 《文学翻译》(研究生课程)
1. 英语语言学
2. 美国文学
3. 民族典籍翻译
3. 2020年,校区教改项目,校区
4. 2023年,新疆高校外语教学研究项目,自治区教育厅
1. 2010「意味論の視点から考察する茶文化の発展」 大東文化大学大学院外国語学研究科『外国語学研究』第 12 号 pp.77-85.
2. 2011 “Tea and the New History of Consumption in 18th Century England” 大東文化大学外国語学会『外国語学会誌』第 41 号 pp.59-71.
3. 2012 “Tea Parties and Their Spread in the Late 18th Century” 大東文化大学大学院外国語学研究科『外国語学研究』第 14 号 PP131-137.
4. 2013,“From China to England: The Development of Tea Related Vocabulary in England during the late 1600s and the Beginning of 1700s as a British Cultural Tradition” The American Society and Geolinguistics: Language and Popular Culture 38 PP31-43.
5. 2014 “The History of Compound Words and Phrases Containing Tea” 大東文化大学語学教育研究所『語学教育研究論叢』第 31PP119-140.
6. 2021年,亨利·詹姆斯的文学使命与坚守--浅谈其作品中构建的美国人身份, 时代人物 PP12-13.
7. 2021年,大学日语线上线下混合式课程建设探索,现代职业教育 PP10-11.
8. 2022年,非物质文化遗产的传承与发展--以史诗《江格尔》为例,城市周刊,36:pp43-45.
9. 2023年,阐释文本的多样化探索——中华史诗《江格尔》的跨文化传播研究,语言与传播pp47-63.
10. 2023年,功能对等理论视阈下的民族典籍英译研究——以吴松林编撰的《江格尔》英译版为例,文化学刊07pp212-215.
Master's supervisor
China University of Petroleum-Beijing at Karamay
Educational Background
2005 graduated from Inner Mongolia Normal University, B.A
April.2008 – March.2010, University of Daitobunka Japan, M.A
April.2010 – April.2015, University of Daitobunka Japan, PhD
Working Experiences
Sep 2005 - Mar 2007, Served as an English teacher at Inner Mongolia Huhhot National University.
May 2010 - Apr 2015, Worked as an English and Japanese online consultant at 3Pro Company in Japan.
Apr 2012 - Jul 2013, Served as a researcher at the Institute of Historical Research, University of London, UK.
May 2015 - Oct 2016, Worked as an English training instructor and online consultant at Dell Company in Japan.
Nov 2016 - Feb 2018, Served as an on - boarding training instructor at NTT Data Company in Japan.
May 2018 - Present, Department of Arts and Sciences / Culture and Arts, Karamay Campus, China University of Petroleum (Beijing).
Courses taught
1. College English I, II ,III, IV
2. Basic Japanese I ,II
3. Integrated English I
4. English Listening II, III
5. English Literature
6. Academic English
7. Karamay Culture (Bilingual)
8. Prose Reading
9. Literary Translation (Postgraduate course)
Research Interests:
1. Semantic Linguistics
2. American Literature
3. Translation of Ethnic Classics
Recent Publications
In 2021, Henry James' Literary Mission and Persistence - On the Identity of Americans Constructed in His Works, Times Figure, PP12 - 13.
In 2021, Exploration of the Construction of an Online - Offline Blended Japanese Course in Universities, Modern Vocational Education, PP10 - 11.
In 2022, Inheritance and Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage - Taking the Epic 'Jiangar' as an Example, City Weekly, 36: pp43 - 45.
In 2023, Diversified Exploration of Text Interpretation - A Study on the Cross - cultural Communication of the Chinese Epic 'Jiangar', Language and Communication, pp47 - 63.
In 2023, A Study on the English Translation of Ethnic Classics from the Perspective of the Functional Equivalence Theory - Taking the English Translation of 'Jiangger' Compiled by Wu Songlin as an Example, Journal of Culture, 07, pp212 - 215.
Contact: sarula@cupk.edu.cn
Address: College of Science and Arts, China University of Petroleum-Beijing at Karamay, 355 Anding Rd. Karamay, China, 834000