




2010-2014 中国石油大学(华东) 英语语言文学专业,学士

2014-2016 中国石油大学(华东) 英语口译,硕士


2016.07-至今,中国石油大学(北京)克拉玛依校区,文理学院/文化艺术学院 专任教师。


1. 《大学英语(I)》

2. 《大学英语(II)》

3. 《英语语音理论与实践》

4. 《英语演讲》

5. 《学英语讲好中国故事》-MOOC


1. 英语教学

2. 翻译、应用语言学


1. 2024年,基于OBE理论的三维一体英语课程思政教学案例库建设,校区课程思政研究专项,校区级项目

2. 2023年,文化润疆视域下石油精神的传承和弘扬实践路径研究,校区科研项目,校区级项目

3. 2023年,外语类学科“党建+课程思政”协同育人模式研究,校区思想政治工作精品项目

4. 2022年,基于“产出导向法”的混合式大学英语课程思政育人的有效衔接研究,自治区级项目

5. 2019年,OBE模式下英语语音课教学改革探索---以非英语专业为例,自治区级项目

6. 2019年,各类手机社交软件对当代大学生恋爱观的消极影响及对策探究,校级思政项目


1. 2024年,基于“产出导向法”的混合式大学英语课程思政育人的有效衔接探究,英语广场,第一作者

2. 2023年,语言哲学视域下英语翻译思维的适应性,黑河学院学报,第一作者

3. 2020年,基于OBE理念的混合式教学模式在英语语音课中的应用,海外英语,第一作者

4. 2019年,A Teaching Practice of College English Pronunciation Class Based on Production-Oriented Approach. International Journal of Intelligent Information and Management Science, 第一作者

5. 2019年,各类手机社交软件对当代大学生恋爱观的消极影响及对策探究,现代商贸工业,第一作者

6. 2017年,浅谈大学英语中的集体备课,考试周刊,第一作者


1. 2017年6月,荣获校区第一届青年教师教学基本功比赛 二等奖;

2. 2017年12月,荣获第三届中国外语微课大赛自治区 二等奖;

3. 2018年12月,荣获文理学院青年教师教学基本功大赛 二等奖;

4. 2019年7月,荣获中国石油大学(北京)优秀共产党员;

5. 2019年-2021年5月,荣获校区年度优秀工会干部;

6. 2021年9月,获评克拉玛依市优秀教师;

7. 2021年10月,荣获全国高等学校外语类微课大赛自治区 二等奖;

8. 2022年6月,荣获外研社“教学之星”大赛全国复赛一等奖;

9. 2022年10月,荣获中西部地区高校外语课程思政教学案例大赛 特等奖;

10. 2022年10月,荣获第十三届“外教社杯”全国高校外语教学大赛 二等奖;

11. 2023年10月,荣获全国高校外语课程思政教学案例大赛 二等奖;

12. 2023年7月,获评校区院级品牌课教师。



Nayila Yarmamat

Associate Professor

Master’s Degree

Vice Director & Deputy Party Secretary of Department of Languages and Arts

Education Background

2010.09-2014.06: Bachelor’s Degree in English Language and Literature, China University of Petroleum

2014.09-2016.06: Master’s Degree in English Interpreting, China University of Petroleum

Work Experience

Since 2016.07: Teacher at the Department of Languages and Arts, School of Science and Arts, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) at Karamay

Courses Taught

College English

English Phonetics Theory and Practice

English Public Speaking

Research Interests

Foreign Language Teaching

Translation Studies

Applied Linguistics

Research Projects

2024: The Construction of Case Base of Ideological and Political Teaching in English Curriculum based on OBE Model, a Campus-Level Project.

2023: Research on the Inheritance and Promotion of the Petroleum Spirit under the Perspective of Cultural Enrichment of Xinjiang, a Campus-Level Project.

2022: A Study on the Effective Cohesion of Ideological and Political Education in Online and Offline College English Course based on Production-Oriented Approach, Department of Education, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

2019: A Case Study on English Phonetics Course Teaching System based on OBE Model—Taking non-English Majors as an Example, Department of Education, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

Representative Publications

2024: A Study on the Effective Cohesion of Ideological and Political Education in Online and Offline College English Course based on Production-Oriented Approach, First Author. Yingyuguangchang.

2023: The Adaptability of English Translation Thinking from the Perspective of Philosophy of Language, First Author. Journal of Heihe University.

2020: The Application of Blended Teaching Mode based on OBE Model in English Phonetics Course, First Author. Overseas English.

2019: A Teaching Practice of College English Phonetics Course Based on Production-Oriented Approach, First Author. International Journal of Intelligent Information and Management Science.

Major Honors and Awards


Awarded the second prize in the Basic Skills Competition for Young Teachers at the campus in 2017.

Awarded the provincial second prize in the Third China Foreign Language Micro-lecture Competition in 2017.

Awarded the provincial second prize in the Third China Foreign Language Micro-lecture Competition in 2021.

Awarded the provincial first prize of the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP)Star Teacher Contest (Undergraduate English Group) in 2022.

Awarded the National special prize in the Ideological and Political Teaching Case Competition for Foreign Language Courses in Universities in the Central and Western Regions in 2022.

Awarded the provincial second prize in the 13th “Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press” (SFLEP)National Foreign Language Teaching Contest in 2022.

Awarded the National second prize in the Ideological and Political Teaching Case Competition for Foreign Language Courses in 2023.


Named as an Excellent Teacher at China University of Petroleum (Beijing) at Karamay from 2017 to 2019.

Named as the outstanding Communist Party member of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) from 2017-2019.

Named as an Excellent Teacher in Karamay city in 2021.

Named as a Brand Teacher at the School of Science and Arts level in 2023.

Contact Information
