2000年至2003年, 中国科技大学固体地球物理学 博士
2009.11至2022.8, 教授,博导,海洋学院,同济大学
2005.7至2009.10, 副教授,硕导,海洋学院,同济大学
1999.5至2000.8, 副教授,地质系,西南石油学院
1. 国家863计划,负责人,核磁共振测井评价岩石孔隙结构及流体识别方法研究(2006AA06Z214), 2006年12月-2009年12月;
2. 国家自然科学基金(41476027),负责人,基于导电结构的岩石导电机制与流体饱和度计算方法研究,2015.1-2019.12;
3. 企业委托项目,负责人,缝洞碳酸盐岩储层饱和度解释模块采购,47.23万元,2021年
46. Wenjun Zhao, Tangyan Liu*, Jizhou Tang & Jie Zhang, Estimating Additional Resistivity by Permeability in Brine Saturated Sandstones, 2023, Petroleum Geoscience, V.29, (3),P1-14, Online, SCI indexed;
45. He Meng, Yueming Ye, Tangyan Liu*, Shiqiong Liu, Theoretical Study on Rock-Electric Characteristics of Complex Shaly Sandstones and its Application to Reservoir Saturation Evaluation, 2023, Natural Resources Research, V. 32, P795-811,SCI indexed;
44. Jiahuan He, Tangyan Liu, Long Wen, Tingting He, Min Li, Numerical Simulation Analysis of Difference from a Radial Resistivity Testing Method for Cylindrical Cores and a Conventional Testing Method, 2022, Mathematics,, 10, 2285, P1-17,SCI Indexed;
43. 刘诗琼,石强,汤继周,刘堂晏2*,赵文君,陈鹏, 基于球缝模型优化核磁反演的裂缝储层评价新方法; 地球物理学报,2022,V65(4),P1451-1460, SCI indexed;
42. Wenjun Zhao, FaLong Hu, Jizhou Tang, Tangyan Liu1* , Chaoliu Li, An approach to calculate bound water saturation by NMR logging spectral coefficient method, 2022, Acta Geophysica, V70(2),P525-535, SCI indexed;
41. Liu Tangyan*, Li Qingfeng, Zhang Cuihua, Yang Wentao, Liu Shiqiong4* and Zhao Wenjun,Studies and Applications of Dual Pore Saturation Model Based on Pore Structure Classification in Tight Reservoirs,2022,Frontiers in Earth Science, V9(02):P1-9, SCI indexed;
40. Yujiang Shi, He Meng, Tangyan Liu*, Haitao Zhang 1, Evaluating the relative permeability from the resistivity data for fractal porous media, 2020, Petrophysics, V61 (3), PP:303-317, SCI indexed;
39. Liming Jiang, Tangyan Liu*, Chunhao Yu, He Meng, A Novel Inversion Combining NMR Log and Conventional Logs, 2020, Applied Magnetic Resonance, V:51(1);PP:85-101, SCI indexed;
38. He Meng, Tangyan Liu*, Interpretation of the rock-electric and seepage characteristics using the pore network model, Sep. 2019, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, V180, PP:1-10, SCI indexed;
37. He Meng, Qiang Shi, Tangyan Liu* , FengXin Liu, Peng Chen, The Percolation Properties of Electrical Conductivity and Permeability for Fractal Porous Media,2019, Energies, V12, 1-15, SCI indexed;
36. 潘豪杰,张研,李红兵,刘堂晏等,基于贝叶斯理论的天然气水合物储层弹性—电性数据联合反演,2018,石油地球物理勘探,V.53(3).P:568-586;
35, He Meng, Study on the rock-electric and the relative permeability characteristics in porous rocks based on the curved cylinder-sphere model, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, V. 166 (2018) 891–899, Fund financial support, SCI indexed;
33. Tianzhi Tang, Tao Lu, Haining Zhang, Liming Jiang, Tangyan Liu, He Meng and Feifei Wang,Electrical characteristics of rocks in fractured and caved reservoirs, Journal of. Geophysics and Engineering, Vo.14 (2017): 1437–1444 (8pp), SCI indexed;
32. Hongtao Wang, Tangyan Liu*, Tianzhi Tang2,Yujiang Shi3, A unified model to evaluate shaliness in compacted and soft formations using downhole GR log, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, V156,PP:877-883; Indexed in SCI;
31. Wang Hongtao, Liu Tangyan,Derivation of Archie's' law based on a fractal pore volume, Geophysics Journal International,2017, V209. PP: 1403-1407; SCI indexed;
30. Fei-Fei Wang, Tian-Zhi Tang, Tang-Yan Liu, Evaluation of the Pore Structure of Reservoirs Based on NMR T2 Spectrum Decomposition, 2016, Applied Magnetic Resonance, Vol. 47(3): 361-373; indexed in SCI;
上海市科技进步奖三等奖,3/7, 2019。
1. 刘堂晏,章海宁,石玉江等,储层孔隙结构评价技术及应用,石油工业出版社,260千字,2016;
2. 刘向君,刘堂晏,刘诗琼, 测井原理及工程应用,石油工业出版社,第二版,2018.6;
1 授权发明专利:拟饱含水核磁共振自旋回波信号的分解与合成方法,刘堂晏,邬龙,薛苗苗,2016, 2016.08.11,中国,201310418890.3;
2 授权发明专利:确定束缚水饱和度的方法与装置,胡法龙,刘堂晏,李潮流,王飞飞,2017年7月7日授权,2015103916584;
3 授权发明专利:核磁回波数据优化反演方法及孔隙结构参数确定方法,刘堂晏,傅强,孟贺,赵世杰,授权日期,2020年5月,专利申请号:202011516012.1;
4 授权发明专利:基于成像测井孔隙度谱的拟核磁回波数据计算方法,李晓辉,刘堂晏,李强,傅强,夏雪,许淑梅,赵文君,孙亚金等,授权日期:2023年4月,专利申请号:202011544038.7;
Email: tyliu05169@tongji.edu.cn.
Tel: 13764519890