

杨矞琦,男,汉族,中共党员,博士,副教授,博士生导师,新疆维吾尔自治区天山英才,校青年拔尖人才,《Petroleum Science》和《精细化工》期刊青年编委,现任中国石油大学(北京)克拉玛依校区工学院副院长、化工与环境系教师。


2008-2012 中国石油大学(北京)本科

2012-2015 中国石油大学(北京)硕士

2017-2019 澳大利亚墨尔本大学博士联合培养

2015-2019 中国石油大学(北京)博士


2019-2022 中国石油大学(北京)克拉玛依校区 讲师

2022-至今 中国石油大学(北京)克拉玛依校区 副教授、博士生导师


1. 化工原理

2. 过程装备成套技术


1. 电催化

2. 功能型纳米粒子和水凝胶制备

3. 油气田开发













1、Liping Huo, Minghui Lv, Mingjin Li, Xuepeng Ni, Jingyu Guan, Jian Liu, Shuxing Mei, Yuqi Yang*, et al. Amorphous MnO2 Lamellae Encapsulated Covalent Triazine Polymer-Derived Multi-Heteroatoms-Doped Carbon for ORR/OER Bifunctional Electrocatalysi[J]. Advanced Materials (IF=29.4), 2024.

2、Yuqi Yang, Zhengchao Xu, Siyu Chen, Haipeng Zhang, Yuequn Fu*, Siqi Liu, Shuxing Mei*, Hang Lv*. Study on The Secondary Flow in T-shaped Pipe with Different Outlet Surface. Physics of Fluids (IF=4.9), 2024.

3、E. Zhao, H. Lv, J. Fan, H. P Zhang, S. Wu, Y. Yu, Y. Q Yang*, S.X Mei*. Iron-carbon composite as flow electrode active material for highly efficient electrosorption of uranium from radioactive wastewater. Separation and Purification Technology (IF=8.1), 2024, 354, 128405.

4、Y. Ning#, Y. Yang#, D. Shan, S. Mei, Y. Yan, L. Ding and Y. Zhang*, Sulfonic acid-modified MOFs as heterogeneous bifunctional catalysts for ethylene oligomerization at room temperature without cocatalysts. Catal. Sci. Technol., 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D4CY00502C.

5、H. H Li#, J. Y Guan#, Y. Q Yang#, J. Liu, S.X Mei*, S. S Wang*, Ternary-grafted tarch-based hydrogel with improved adsorption capacity for dyes. ChemCatChem (IF=3.8). 2024, e202401034.

6、Shiling Zhang, Yuqi Yang*, Jixiang Guo, et al. Temperature-resistant and salt-tolerant mixed surfactant system for EOR in the Tahe Oilfield. Petroleum Science(IF=6.0), 2021.

7、Yuqi Yang, Matthew D. Biviano, Jixiang Guo, Joseph D. Berry*, Raymond R. Dagastine*. Mass transfer between microbubbles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (IF=9.9), 2020, 571, 253-259.

8、Yuqi Yang, Jixiang Guo*, Zijing Yu, et al. A Surfactant for Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery in High-salt and High-temperature Carbonate Reservoir. Energies, 2020, 20: 320.

9、Yuqi Yang, Jixiang Guo*, Bo Ren, et al. Oil–Water flow patterns, holdups and frictional pressure gradients in a vertical pipe under high temperature/pressure conditions. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2019, 100: 217–291.

10、Yuqi Yang, Jixiang Guo*, Zhongfu Cheng, et al. New Composite Viscosity Reducer with Both Asphaltene Dispersion and Emulsifying Capability for Heavy and Ultra–heavy Crude Oils. EnergyFuels, 2017, 31 (2): 1159–1173.

11、Jixiang Guo, Yuqi Yang*, Zhang Dengshan, et al. A general model for predicting apparent viscosity of crude oil or emulsion in laminar pipeline at high pressures. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 2018, (160):12—23.

12、Jixiang Guo*, Yuqi Yang*, Shuai Zhang, et al. Heavy Oil–Water Flow Patterns in a Small Diameter Vertical Pipe under High Temperature/Pressure Conditions. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering2018 (17): 1350—1365.

13、杨矞琦, 郭继香*, 任波, . 稠油-水两相高温高压垂直管流压降规律研究[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2021, 21(6): 02164-08.

14、郭继香*, 杨矞琦, 张江伟, . 超稠油复合降黏剂SDG–3的研究和应用[J]. 精细化工, 2017, 34(3):341–348.


郭继香, 杨矞琦. 稠油降黏开采技术原理与应用. 北京:科学出版社, 2020.10. ISBN 978-7-03-060808-6.430万字)


1、杨矞琦, 张海鹏, .一种模拟高温高压下油气水混合物在弯管内流动的装置. 国家发明专利, ZL20211 0482086.6, 2023.04.30.

2、杨矞琦, 李焱, 宋伟, . 一种用于模拟气泡与液滴相互碰撞的装置. 国家发明专利, ZL202310046999.2, 2023.01.31.

3、杨矞琦, 郭继香, 赵海洋等. 油气两相流动型态表征方法及装置. 国家发明专利, ZL201910015725.0, 2019.01.08.

4、杨矞琦, 张海鹏, . A device and method for observing flow pattern in vertical tube under high temperature and high pressure condition, 2023/00482(南非), 国家发明专利, 2022.07.08.

5、杨矞琦, 郭继香, 熊瑞颖等. 稠油开采注气量的确定方法及系统. 国家发明专利, ZL201910016376.4, 2019.01.08.

6、郭继香, 杨矞琦, 赵海洋等. 一种高温高压井筒模拟装置, 国家发明专利, ZL201410852548.9.

7、郭继香, 杨矞琦, 杨祖国等. 高温高压油水混合流体在线粘度检测装置及方法, 国家发明专利, ZL201710021310.5.








Yuqi Yang, doctor, associate professor, doctoral supervisor, young top-notch talent, young editorial board member of "Petroleum Science" and "Fine Chemicals" journals, deputy dean of the School of Engineering, work in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Environment in China University of Petroleum (Beijing) at Karamay Campus.


2008-2012 B.S., China University of Petroleum (Beijing).

2012-2015 M.S., China University of Petroleum (Beijing).

2017-2019 Joint Ph.D. Programming, University of Melbourne, Australia

2015-2019 Ph.D., China University of Petroleum (Beijing).

Work experience

2019-2022 Lecturer, Karamay Campus, China University of Petroleum (Beijing).

2022-present, Associate Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Karamay Campus, China University of Petroleum (Beijing).

Teach courses

1. Principles of chemical engineering

2. The process is equipped with a complete set of technology

Research Interests

1. Electrocatalysis

2. Preparation of functional nanoparticles and hydrogels

3. Oil and gas field development

Scientific research projects

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Dynamics of Bubble Collision and Water Droplet Rise in Heavy Oil-Gas-Water Three-phase Vertical Pipe Flow, 2022-2024, PI.

2. Autonomous Region Academician "One Matter, One Discussion" Project, Research and Development of Key Technologies for By-product Hydrogen of Efficient and Low-cost Electrolysis of Oily Wastewater, 2024-2026, Principal Investigator.

3. Key R&D Program of Autonomous Region Departments and Departments, Research on CO2 Technology for Improving Oil Flooding and Storage Efficiency in Inefficient Oilfields, 2022-2025, Principal Investigator.

4. Research on the emulsion and phase transfer mechanism and application of refractory high acid value crude oil, 2023-2024, presided over.

5. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Tianshan Talents-Young Outstanding Scientific and Technological Innovation Talents, Research on Asphaltene Precipitation Law and Inhibition Technology under CO2 Injection in Formation Crude Oil, 2023-2025, Principal Investigator.

6. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Project, Research on the Motion Wave Propagation Characteristics and Flow Pattern Transformation Mechanism of Low/Ultra-low Interfacial Energy Heavy Oil-Water Vertical Pipe Flow, 2020-2023, PI.

7. Karamay Innovative Talent Special Project, Research on the Law of Multi-field Coupled Emulsion Seepage of Shale Oil and Its Impact Mechanism on Production Capacity, 2020-2021, Principal Investigator.

8. Xinjiang Xinyitong Petroleum Technology Co., Ltd., Method and System for Determining Gas Injection Volume of Heavy Oil Exploitation, Transformation of Patent Achievements, 2023-2028, Principal Investigator.

9. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute, Research on the fatigue failure mechanism of multiphase unstable flow-induced pressure pipelines, 2021-2024, Principal Investigator.

10. PetroChina Co., Ltd., Research on Efficient Three-dimensional Development of Upper and Lower Desserts and Optimization of Drainage and Production System, 2019-2024, Principal Investigator.

Representative Papers

1、Liping Huo, Minghui Lv, Mingjin Li, Xuepeng Ni, Jingyu Guan, Jian Liu, Shuxing Mei, Yuqi Yang*, et al. Amorphous MnO2 Lamellae Encapsulated Covalent Triazine Polymer-Derived Multi-Heteroatoms-Doped Carbon for ORR/OER Bifunctional Electrocatalysi[J]. Advanced Materials (IF=29.4), 2024.

2、Yuqi Yang, Zhengchao Xu, Siyu Chen, Haipeng Zhang, Yuequn Fu*, Siqi Liu, Shuxing Mei*, Hang Lv*. Study on The Secondary Flow in T-shaped Pipe with Different Outlet Surface. Physics of Fluids (IF=4.9), 2024.

3、E. Zhao, H. Lv, J. Fan, H. P Zhang, S. Wu, Y. Yu, Y. Q Yang*, S.X Mei*. Iron-carbon composite as flow electrode active material for highly efficient electrosorption of uranium from radioactive wastewater. Separation and Purification Technology (IF=8.1), 2024, 354, 128405.

4、Y. Ning#, Y. Yang#, D. Shan, S. Mei, Y. Yan, L. Ding and Y. Zhang*, Sulfonic acid-modified MOFs as heterogeneous bifunctional catalysts for ethylene oligomerization at room temperature without cocatalysts. Catal. Sci. Technol., 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D4CY00502C.

5、H. H Li#, J. Y Guan#, Y. Q Yang#, J. Liu, S.X Mei*, S. S Wang*, Ternary-grafted tarch-based hydrogel with improved adsorption capacity for dyes. ChemCatChem (IF=3.8). 2024, e202401034.

6、Shiling Zhang, Yuqi Yang*, Jixiang Guo, et al. Temperature-resistant and salt-tolerant mixed surfactant system for EOR in the Tahe Oilfield. Petroleum Science(IF=6.0), 2021.

7、Yuqi Yang, Matthew D. Biviano, Jixiang Guo, Joseph D. Berry*, Raymond R. Dagastine*. Mass transfer between microbubbles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (IF=9.9), 2020, 571, 253-259.

8、Yuqi Yang, Jixiang Guo*, Zijing Yu, et al. A Surfactant for Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery in High-salt and High-temperature Carbonate Reservoir. Energies, 2020, 20: 320.

9、Yuqi Yang, Jixiang Guo*, Bo Ren, et al. Oil–Water flow patterns, holdups and frictional pressure gradients in a vertical pipe under high temperature/pressure conditions. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2019, 100: 217–291.

10、Yuqi Yang, Jixiang Guo*, Zhongfu Cheng, et al. New Composite Viscosity Reducer with Both Asphaltene Dispersion and Emulsifying Capability for Heavy and Ultra–heavy Crude Oils. EnergyFuels, 2017, 31 (2): 1159–1173.

11、Jixiang Guo, Yuqi Yang*, Zhang Dengshan, et al. A general model for predicting apparent viscosity of crude oil or emulsion in laminar pipeline at high pressures. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 2018, (160):12—23.

12、Jixiang Guo*, Yuqi Yang*, Shuai Zhang, et al. Heavy Oil–Water Flow Patterns in a Small Diameter Vertical Pipe under High Temperature/Pressure Conditions. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering2018 (17): 1350—1365.

13、Yuqi Yang, Jixiang Guo *, Bo Ren, et al. Study on pressure drop law of high-temperature and high-pressure vertical pipe flow in heavy oil-water phase稠油-水两相高温高压垂直管流压降规律研究 [J]. Science Technology and Engineering, 2021, 21(6): 02164-08.

14、Jixiang Guo *, Yuqi Yang, Jiangwei Zhang, et al. Research and application of SDG–3 super-heavy oil composite viscosity reducer(超稠油复合降黏剂SDG–3的研究和应用)[J]. Fine Chemicals, 2017, 34(3): 341–348.

Academic Monographs

Jixiang GUO, Yuqi Yang. Principles and Applications of Heavy Oil Viscosity Reduction Mining Technology(稠油降黏开采技术原理与应用). Beijing:Science Press, 2020.10. ISBN 978-7-03-060808-6. (4.3 million words)

Major Achievements (Patents, Awards, etc.)

1. Yuqi Yang, Haipeng Zhang, et al. A device for simulating the flow of oil-gas-water mixture in an elbow under high temperature and high pressure.( 一种模拟高温高压下油气水混合物在弯管内流动的装置) . National Invention Patent, ZL20211 0482086.6, 2023.04.30.

2. Yuqi Yang, Yan Li,Wei Song, et al. A device for simulating the collision of bubbles and droplets(一种用于模拟气泡与液滴相互碰撞的装置). National Invention Patent, ZL202310046999.2, 2023.01.31.

3. Yuqi Yang, Jixiang Guo, Haiyang Zhao, et al. Method and device for characterization of two-phase flow patterns of oil and gas(油气两相流动型态表征方法及装置). National Invention Patent, ZL201910015725.0, 2019.01.08.

4. Yuqi Yang, Haipeng Zhang, et al. A device and method for observing flow pattern in vertical tube under high temperature and high pressure condition, 2023/00482(South Africa), National Invention Patent, 2022.07.08.

5. Yuqi Yang, Jixiang Guo, Ruiying Xiong, et al. Method and system for determining gas injection volume in heavy oil extraction(稠油开采注气量的确定方法及系统). National Invention Patent, ZL201910016376.4, 2019.01.08.

6. Jixiang Guo, Yuqi Yang, Haiyang Zhao, et al. A high-temperature and high-pressure wellbore simulation device(一种高温高压井筒模拟装置). National Invention Patent, ZL201410852548.9.

7. Jixiang Guo, Yuqi Yang,Guoguo Yang, et al. On-line viscosity detection device and method for high-temperature and high-pressure oil-water mixed fluid(高温高压油水混合流体在线粘度检测装置及方法). National Invention Patent, ZL201710021310.5.

Get Rewarded

1. Technology Invention Award of China Petroleum and Chemical Automation Industry Association, first prize, ranked 1st, 2024; (First Prize at Provincial and Ministerial Level)

2. "A high-temperature and high-pressure wellbore simulation device" won the Excellence Award of the Patent Award of China Petrochemical Federation, provincial and ministerial level, ranked 2nd, 2020.

3. Instructed students to win the first prize of the 12th National Process Equipment Practice and Innovation Competition, Excellent Instructor, 2022.



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