为进一步推动联合国世界知识产权组织术语库建设项目,4月28日,校区与世界知识产权组织(World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO)举行视频交流会。世界知识产权组织专利合作条约(Patent Cooperation Treaty, PCT)翻译司支持保障处负责人Geoffrey Westgate、术语部主任Cristina Valentini出席会议。校区副校长李军,相关职能部门负责人、学院领导、骨干教师与相关工作人员参加本次会议。会议由石油学院秦文婷副教授主持并担任翻译。
Geoffrey Westgate代表世界知识产权组织(WIPO)方面,对学校的支持表示感谢。他指出,专利合作条约(PCT)是全球最重要的知识产权条约之一,与其他相关条约共同组成了全球知识产权条约体系,由世界知识产权组织(WIPO)统一管理。目前,中国已经成为全世界最大的国际专利申请国,每年WIPO PCT翻译司需要将大量的中文专利文档翻译成英文,这些文档覆盖各个行业与技术领域,其中也包含了石油、地质、地理、化工等专业。他表示,世界知识产权组织有大量的专利翻译工作,为保证翻译的高效性、一致性和准确性,世界知识产权组织(WIPO)建立了开放的国际专利术语数据库,供全世界免费查询使用。世界知识产权组织(WIPO)的语言学专家将与学校相关技术领域的专家和学生密切合作,扩充国际专利术语数据库,进一步助力国际专利质量提升。
To discuss the issue related to WIPO-PCT terminology collaboration, the first virtual meeting between China University of Petroleum Beijing at Karamay representatives and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) officials took place at April 28th,2022. Geoffrey Westgate, Head of Support Section at WIPO PCT Translation Division, Cristina Valentini, Head of Terminology Unit at WIPO PCT Translation Division, Jun Li, Vice President of China University of Petroleum Beijing at Karamay, Chair of Petroleum Engineering Department, Chair of Chemical Engineering Department, other staff members and teachers attended the meeting. Wenting Qin, an associate professor from Petroleum Engineering Department, presided over the meeting and acted as a conference interpreter during the meeting.
Jun Li delivered the welcome address on behalf of China University of Petroleum Beijing at Karamay. In his remarks, he expressed our gratitude towards the WIPO PCT Translation Division for establishing WIPO-PCT terminology collaboration with our university. He also gave a brief introduction of our university, which is ranked as the top 1 Petroleum University in China. He stated that our university has two campuses. Beijing Campus and Karamay Campus, with Karamay Campus opened to admit students since 2016. Although, the Karamay Campus and Beijing Campus are separated by locations, they are in lockstep with each other through shared values, shared resources and common goals. The students selected to be participated in the WIPO-PCT terminology project are best students majoring in Petroleum Engineering, Geology and Geophysics, Chemical Engineering with strong technical background and language skills. The collaboration with WIPO has received highest attention from the leadership in our university. The mentor and mentee system is implemented, for each student working as a mentee to be supervised by a highly experienced teacher, to ensure the collaboration with WIPO being carried out effectively and precisely.
Geoffrey Westgate, the Head of Support Section at WIPO PCT Translation Division thanked Jun Li for his welcome address. He also presented a general introduction of the WIPO PCT Translation Division, the nature and scope of this WIPO-PCT terminology collaboration. He stated that the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) is one of the international property treaties administered by WIPO. China now become the biggest filer of patents to the WIPO PCT. At translation division, the staff members perform lots of patent documents translation job with lots of documents requiring the Chinese to English translation. Those documents cover all kinds of subjects, including energy, mining, geology, petrochemical. Terminology accuracy is very important for translating those patent documents without errors. For this reason, WIPO developed the terminology database. The terminology database is linked to the WIPO PCT translation system and is published at WIPO website, free to access for all the people around the world. He also appreciated the technical expertise the teachers from our university provided, to help them who are often to be linguists, for expanding this Chinese-English terminology database.
Finally, followed by discussions, the agreement has been reached regarding terminology topic selection, training details and project timeline. The training workshop has been arranged for WIPO staff members to teach and guide our students remotely.