办公电话:0990-6633327 E-mail: ccyjf@163.com
1. Jingfu Yan, Dejun Liu, Xing Cheng. Transceiver Circuit Design Based on OFDM Technology for Well-logging Cable Telemetry System, Proceedings International Conference on Electronics Information and Emergency Communication, Vol 1: 368-371.
2. Jingfu Yan. The Study on Zigbee Wireless Sensor Networks Tree Routing and Distributed Addresses Assignment Mechanisms, International Core Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Index, vol.2:126-128, No.6 2012.
3. Zhang Kuo, Wu Xiling, Yan Jingfu. An electric-based dual-mode tomography system for interpretion on two-phase flow in oil wells, Interpretation-A Journal of Subsurface Characterization, Vol. 5, No. 2, P259-264, 2017.
4. Zhang Kuo, Wu Xiling, Yan Jingfu, Cai Jiatie. Applied geophysics. Electromagnetic holographic sensitivity field of two-phase flow in horizontal wells, Vol.14, No.1,P.40-48. 2017.
5. Jingfu Yan, Shubin Wang. The Design and Implementation of Dynamometer Based on Zigbee Technology, Proceedings of International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications(iTAP2012), Vol 2: 273-276.
6. 闫景富,姜璐,尹洪东,郭娟娟. 基于Allegro的高速AD/DA系统信号完整性设计与仿真,电子设计工程,Vol.24, No.6 2016:67-70.
7. 闫景富,吴锡令.电磁成像在油井多相流测量中的应用,电波科学学报,Vol.28 sup. 2013:415-418.